Stop calling God cruel for handling evil people.
Babies are evil? So much for abortion killing 'innocents'.
No one was innocent even the children.
And of what exactly were they guilty?
Now for the children that does mean that they are judge after life.
For doing what? Telling their teacher they didn't do homework because their dog ate it? Or because they don't have the capacity to worship a cosmic megalomaniac?
If He let the children live then who going to take care of them?
Good point. But, just taking a guess here, wouldn't not killing their parents for arbitrary reasons solve that problem?
They definitely don't won't someone who killed their parents to raise them, so it is better for them to be dead.
I could almost detect a bit of empathy there.
What if the children was the enemy of the Hebrews?
So the answer is bloodshed? God doesn't seem very intelligent, and quite brutal, based on that line of reasoning.
It is stupid to let them live.
So this whole 'sanctity of life' line is actually bullshit?
Some of them will grow up, and get revenge, on those who rightfully kill their evil parents.
So God is also morally ambiguous? "Do no kill except for when it benefits you, even if it's children." That makes the Bible really seem fabricated, and for the benefit of a select group.
It better for the children to be put to death so they don't have to deal the Hebrew people.
Are you serious?
YHWH has every right to do so.
Says who? God?
Don't like too bad then.
How does he expect to get all that worship and praise when he acts like a gigantic jackass? Wrong attitude.
YHWH doesn't care what you don't like or like what he does, or weather you disagree or agree on how He handle things.
And therein lies the problem. The whole concept of God is basically the 'king of kings', from a period where democracy wasn't even heard of, a period where societal structure was that of monarchy. God seems to always reflect the society he originates from.