[do you believe that non-Christians are morons?]
Yes. From a Biblical standard, non-believers are morons. Don't you agree that from a Biblical standard, non-believers are morons?
Actually, seeing as many of the non-believers on this forum have a better knowledge of the Bible than you CARM fools, I would say no. We're not the morons here.
Aside form that, you have a most appropriate user name.
I just wrote a book that explains that there is an invisible, intangible, magic octopus on the moon. From a Darthwang'sbookabouttheinvisibleintangiblemagicoctopusonthemoonic perspective, everyone who doesn't believe in it is a moron. Therefore you are a moron. QED.
Bearing in mind who are the OT people and the Pharisees and Pat Robertson, let alone Phelps, no. Watching the Romans, the Greek phylosophers, Buddha, the Chinese people and Mohammed Yunnus, no again.
From a biblical standard, god hates everyone and expects its foolowers to do it to. But god doesn't stop there, no sirree. He even hates his followers! ABE! Go sacrifice your son for me. Job! I'm killing everybody you know and leaving you sad and destitute. WHY? Because you love me the best, that's why you silly-goose!
The real moron is one that thinks hate is a good idea.
Anonymous child #232754:
You're spewing hate, not Redhunter. And all the childish insults prove to us that you're just a petulant little boy, obviously too scared of the adults to even post a name.
Find somewhere else to troll, kid.
I say: The real moron is one that thinks hate is a good idea.
#232754 says: that would be you, redcunter, hateful homosexual with no hope for redemption
Real life examples are so much more effective. Thank you #232754 for proving my point for me.
So by the bible definition, the bible definition is...
the bible definition.
Somehow, I'm reminded of a song...
When people run in circles it's a very very
mad world, mad world...
please don't sue me. :(
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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