David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
We live in a large insane asylum today in America. I read an article yesterday about why trauma doctors are committing suicide, overwhelmed by the things they seeing. One child was shot in the head because her mother was a crack addict and didn't pay what she owed to the drug dealers. You can thank Uncle Sam for the drugs! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. That scam was started during the daddy Bush administration, who was head of the CIA for decades (i.e., the secret police of Wall Street). Anyway, I read a few years ago about police officers committing suicide. And lately many teenagers have been committing suicide across America. All I hear from foolish people is that we need to “raise awareness” to the problem, but that is NOT the solution. We need the inspired Word of God put back into children's daily lives in the school system. We need the King James Bible!!! Furthermore, we need to get rid of the public school system entirely, and stop letting the government indoctrinate our children with the satanic New World Order! It will never happen in this world, not until the Lord Jesus Christ returns, puts the wicked into Hell, and He takes charge (and He will). Suicide is on the rise because our entire American society is run amuck with wickedness, lack of faith in God and humanism!
I catch the daily news once in a while on my computer, as I did yesterday. I stopped watching TV a long time ago. I do not keep up with the latest lies from the mainstream newsmedia. It is an insult to my limited God-given intelligence. I don't allow the presstitutes to brainwash me with misinformation and lies. I really couldn't care less about anything they have to say, and if everyone followed my lead, the manure-spreading newsmedia would go out of business overnight! I hate the evil newsmedia, which is controlled by the Luciferian elite behind the subversion of America. Don't ever forget that the Washington Monument represents the true Masonic power behind America today, a giant erect male phallus 666 feet tall and 666 inches wide. You couldn't make this stuff up, it is so bizarre! Our entire government, intelligence agencies, police, military, court system, colleges, churches and nearly every facet of American and European society today is controlled by the Illuminati at the highest levels.
I read yesterday that Ozzy Osborne's wife, Sharon, is promoting the Episcopalian church. I immediately confirmed my suspicions that the minister she is promoting is pro LGBT, another satanic homosexuality-promoting pastor! It just proves the true saying: As the church becomes more worldly, so also does the world become more churchy! I am utterly disgusted over neo-evangelical Baptist churches today! I am talking about over half of the so-called independent Baptist churches across America today!!! They promote counterfeit Bible versions. They promote the heresy of turning from sins to be saved. They promoting the heresy of Lordship Salvation. They support other wicked churches, bidding Godspeed to shameful neo-evangelicals. God is disgusted too! (Revelation 3:15-16).
Everywhere we turn nowadays, we are seeing insanity around us! I saw Joel Osteen being interviewed by Fax News. The interviewer suggested that Americans purchase Joel's book on prayer, so they could pray down a good job from God. What mockery! I heard another news report some time ago, where the media attributed the economic downturn to the increasing costs of insurance and oil. What lies! The truth is that elite Globalists have cut American's throats, bribing and blackmailing congress, who have sold us out! Literally tens of millions of high-paying manufacturing jobs in the United States have been lost to cheap foreign labor. That why the economy is failing, there are no decent jobs left. And the ones that do remain are being taken by tens of millions of illegal immigrants. America is intentionally being destroyed from within. Remember that giant erect male phallus down the street from the White House! Freemasons are a bunch of phallus-worshipping Luciferians!