TheOracle'sCookie #fundie
20 countries around the planet have spent over $2.2 billion dollars working in joint effort on the project at the CERN LHC Collider. So, think for one minute: WHAT would be our expectation for a physical object to manifest THROUGH CERN INTO OUR DIMENSION that would be worth the expense--and worth reporting to the world?
Would a pile of gold...or a room full of diamonds...OR maybe even AN ARTIFACT--the "Holy Grail" the lost Chalice of Christ--coming through CERN's "portal" be worth OUR ATTENTION Would it be worth $2.2 billion?
What if the "object" was actually both a physical object AND a SACRED SYMBOL 1,000s of years old for a "God-message-from-the-Higgs Boson-God-Particle" from "the other side?" Would THIS kind of object be announced to the world through THE POPE or The Dahli Llama? OR RATHER expected with an "atheist spun" COVER-STORY we hear absolutely nothing from our leaders (or the Pope) and only read a small bi line from CERN" written in "Enquirer Magazine" about a "funny accident involving a little bird on 11-2009 that shut down the collider!
Well I 2009, something DID "MANIFEST" in CERN's magnetic fields. Something SO POWERFUL that it short-circuited the machine and sent the operators of CERN scrambling for an explanation as to what had caused it! It wasn't some ancient artifact...or diamonds...or even another powerful particle that could be made into the "ultimate" weapon. It was an ELEGANT SOLUTION to the whole riddle and one totally overlooked by the CERN handlers. It is probably at the bottom of one of CERN's garbage bins in their lunch room.
Unfortunately, you will NOT believe how the information about it was given to the world media--How everyone just "bought" the cover story and brushed off what SHOULD be seen as a HUGE success for the CERN project. Many heard nothing about it at all! Only a few obscure science articles picked up the story...but never reached the media. Here is one example! Article:
[link to]
Trust me...You will never hear anything about what I am about to tell you coming from the Pope, any sitting President or even from Stephen Hawkings about what happened at CERN in 2009. Prepare to have your mind BLOWN!
If you are familiar with the historical references concerning SYMBOLS in Judeo Christian tradition--(as well as Judaism with "unleavened bread" at Passover)then you certainly are aware what an important part BREAD --as a symbol for "life" and for "heavenly beings taking on the flesh (bread) of humanity" is used as a literal reference and a SACRED reference in these religions! "Bread" appears both as a literal and a SYMBOLIC reference in The Bible, The Torah and many other religions around the world. It appears as a central symbol in many religious paintings as well.
The famous painting "The Last Supper" features Jesus, the Messiah of Christianity, sitting at center of a beautiful Passover meal, with unleavened-bread very present in the painting.
In addition to famous paintings like Leonardo Davinci's The Last Supper, there is also the practice of "holy communion"--a very sacred and reverent ceremony during many Sunday worship events as well as Jewish peoples "eating the unleavened bread" during Passover. The sacred symbolism for this communion and Passover meal is: BREAD and wine.
WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH "CERN?" What may have escaped the notice of many of the "faithful" in November of 2009 was an event which should have stirred the "faithful" all over the world into a frenzy...but without "context" (and the knowledge that a HUGE cover up by CERN scientists has been pulled on the world)has been entirely missed....Until today!
This is an artist's rendering of the piece of BREAD that literally shut down the operations of the CERN lab in 2009. It not only halted operations, but it did serious damage to parts of the machine which had to be repaired. As the story goes-- a bird actually dropped a large chunk of BREAD into the mechanism of the CERN which caused the minor explosion and damage.
[link to]
But...what if this "bird dropping the bread" was only a "cover-story" to deflect attention away... from one of the most remarkable discoveries CERN scientists made in 2009, but have failed to release to the public (due to the religious and astonishing implications to particle physics it would mean.)
Just the fact that they would release such a FANTASTIC "cover-story" to the world--RATHER than explaining what part finding a "crust of bread" that broke their machine means to the world and to particle physics--shows that they are WILLING to "spin" whatever they find with these experiments to leave the public OUT of the LOOP. It is also an illustration of just WHY having something as spiritually important as the Haldron Collider touching the "God Particle" in the hands of spiritually ignorant people is such a DANGEROUS plan for the REST of the 95% of the world who believe in a Divine Being...and faithfully wait for His "signs."
If you think this thread's premise is "extreme"--then check out this article written shortly after the "bread" fiasco with CERN: [link to]
In a series of audacious papers, Nielsen and Ninomiya have suggested that setbacks to the LHC occur because of "reverse chronological causation," which is to say, sabotage from (God?) the future.
Here is a passage about a "miracle" involving 5 loaves of BREAD and 2 fishes which actually fed over 5,000 people. It is recorded in the Bible's New Testament, Book of Matthew 14: 13-21.
16 Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.
17 We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
18 Bring them here to me, he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.
20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basket-fulls of broken pieces that were left over.
21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
So...Bottomline here (there are 2 possible scenarios that I can imagine--add your own if you can!) The following are NOT as radical as they may sound after reading this article! There have actually been scientific journal papers written since 2009 proposing that the bird or birds with the bread were from the future to stop the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle--"The Universe did NOT want this discovery made on Earth!" Wow!
[link to]
THE "MATTER FROM ENERGY" THEORY (spontaneous generation) There was NEVER any bird at all...the "God Particle" which is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and a direct link to the Creator, came through CERN, to be seen as something the God-head did NOT want humanity experimenting with--and JUST THIS THOUGHT generated the "crust" of BREAD.
Creator chose BREAD as the symbol that man NOT tamper with things of the Divine, because BREAD has been part of Communion for 2,000 years and is the symbolic representation for Jesus and the Earthly "flesh" of humanity that is tempted--and it WOULD BE SEEN AS A SACRED SYMBOL. The BREAD manifested out of the "exotic particles" with the "God Particle." It was meant as a GRAVE warning FOR THE AFFECT OF CERN on "the flesh of men." It is an ELEGANT solution. Funny that they would believe Crop Circles, yet ignore a miraculously appearing crust of bread with HUGE symbolic significance!
This painting was done by Carl Jung (some say after he had a "near death" experience.) The "energy figure" appears over his birth country and city "Geneva, Switzerland." The location of the CERN LHC Collider! Was it a warning?
Painting by Carl Jung, founder of Analytical Psychology (painted after his NDE.)
Just something to ponder as we await "TAKE 2" for the CERN experiment!