The Bible is 100% against women cops, women combat soldiers and women performing men's jobs. In so doing, such women are forced to take on a man's disposition, Consequently, feminists working in men's jobs must prove themselves, and are thus often unkind, abusive and unable to naturally cope as well as men. They have to prove that they can do the job. This is why you'll never see two women cops alone (very rare). Neither will you see one woman cop alone (not as rare, but uncommon). It's usually one man and one woman. Almost always a women cannot function without the assistance of a man, and her position solely exists only by political correctness. America is not reality! In the real world, women are weak, vulnerable and not cunning warriors as are men. Women are big babies. I say this not to be mean nor unkind; but rather, to uphold the teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home.
In the real world, women are weak, vulnerable and not cunning warriors as are men. Women are big babies. I say this not to be mean nor unkind; but rather, to uphold the teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home.
Then the BuyBull is at fault.
"The Bible is 100% against women cops, women combat soldiers and women performing men's jobs".
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
Yeah so the bible says precisely none of that, so it turns out your just a misogynistic asshole who's hiding behind a dumb book to excuse your abominable attitudes towards women. In your world, women would exist as prepubescent girl slaves who want nothing more than to please, serve and be controlled by you.
As many have said before me, D.I.A.F!
*sigh* Dave identified after the first sentence again.
"In the real world, women are weak, vulnerable and not cunning warriors as are men. Women are big babies. I say this not to be mean nor unkind; but rather, to uphold the teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home."
No offense, but I'm going to offend you
They have to prove that they can do the job. This is why you'll never see two women cops alone (very rare). Neither will you see one woman cop alone (not as rare, but uncommon)
never =/= very rare =/= uncommon
"Almost always a women cannot function without the assistance of a man, and her position solely exists only by political correctness"
Spoken like someone who's bitter because he's spent a lifetime being outperformed and having his ass handed to him by women.
DJS identified after first sentence, again. Is the guy trying to make a record here?
David, might I ask why you are such an incrdible misogynist? And don't tell me it's because of the "buybull". I know by now that people like you merely use that as an excuse to justify their asshole behavior.
"Women are big babies."
Oh, yeah, certainly not like you, who throws childish tantrums every single day about the most pathetic topics. Sarcasm, by the way.
"In the real world, women are weak, vulnerable and not cunning warriors as are men."
I dare you to say that in the face of some of them. Let's see who's really weaker.
"I say this not to be mean nor unkind."
I know I've said it before, but do you really believe your own lies that much?
This is why you'll never see two women cops alone (very rare). Neither will you see one woman cop alone (not as rare, but uncommon).
You're full of shit. At the police department I worked, we often had female officers patrolling alone and backing each other up. And this might blow Davey's mind, but our police chief was not only female, but a lesbian.
I say this not to be mean nor unkind; but rather, to uphold the teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home.
So what is it like living back in the 1950's? Or is it the 1850's in your world?
So 100% against women cops, 100% against women soldiers, 100% against women doing 'men's' jobs. That doesn't leave much percentage spare for being against gays or women wearing trousers or listening to pop music or watching films...
Especially when you remove the percentage for the entire book of Esther.
"The Bible is 100% against..."
Exactly why should we care what the bible doesn't like?
Oh, and you are an idiot. That's not an ad hominem attack. I really do mean that your IQ is below 30. It's the only explanation that exists for the things you say.
The British Army:
A female combat soldier armed with an SA-80. How's the concept of her having the gun, yet her male comrade not doing so, grab ya, Davey-boy...?!
The Royal Navy:
A female sailor armed with an SA-80. How's the concept of her also qualified to use that Gatling she's standing next to, grab ya II, eh Davey-boy?
The Royal Air Force:
Four female - two per aircraft - crews of Tornado planes. How's the concept of them flying combat missions involving precision-guided munitions grab ya III, thus you've struck out, Davey-boy? Because I know I can sleep at night, safe in the knowledge that the above can more -than cope.
Here in the real world that is the UK.
David J. Stewart is a big baby. Notice he's not Tweeting this outside the recruitment offices of his local armed forces, and instead is in his place: his home ? For when British women are more-than men in doing their part...! [/"Starship Troopers"]
> Women are big babies
IMAX has nothing on you.
It's a damn lucky thing thing that you're in Guam, Dave. I have scorching PMS right now, & I'd like nothing more than to tear your ugly little face off with my bare hands. I don't have any official combat training, but I'm confident that I could hurt you, possibly kill you. I'm smarter than you, I'm wearing pants, listening to metal, & I could gleefully skewer you with a katana.
Fuck you, fuck your mother, & fuck your scriptures.
The Bible is 100% against women cops, women combat soldiers and women performing men's jobs.
Where does the Bible mention that being a cop is a man's job? Where does it specify which jobs are men's jobs and which are women's jobs? What does the Bible say about game developers and restaurant owners?
It's usually one man and one woman.
Where have I seen this before? When you see two men in a car together, Dave, let me guess what's the first thing to pop up (in your mind).
Teh Ghey Buttsecks.
How'm I doin'?
They have to prove that they can do the job
If misogynystic fuckwits like you weren't flapping their lip all day, they wouldn't have to prove anything. It's not rocket surgery.
teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home
Judge Deborah? Who's that?!
And I fucking dare you to say that this isn't sexy as all hell.
@The Reptilian Jew
Needs more EXPLOSIONS!
you'll never see two women cops alone (very rare)
"Very rare" means sometimes, not never. Can we understand your "100%" in the same way?
Women performing men's jobs.
And what jobs are those? News anchor, for instance? Yes, remember those days when female news anchors were unthinkable in the US? I do.
Things change Dave.
And that's just some of the many, many reasons why the Bible is 100% steaming bullshit.
++"In the real world, women are weak, vulnerable and not cunning warriors as are men. Women are big babies. I say this not to be mean nor unkind; but rather, to uphold the teaching in the Scriptures that a woman's place is in the home. "
So you admit that you'll tell a bald-faced lie just to back your favorite fairy tale.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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