Beccaria #fundie

First rule of science: in order for something to be scientific, it must be observable. Darwinism is not observable. You do not see lizards changing into chickens, for example, today.

Some point to adaptation or mutation as evolution. But adaptation is not evolution. A dog which grows thicker fur in a colder environment is still a dog. And mutation is rare, random, and almost always results in a DEvolution of a creature.

In addition, EVERY "fossil" that is "evidence" of evolution has been debunked. Remember the Ceolicanth "fossil" that turned out to be false? Or the "Neanderthal" tooth that turned out to be a pig tooth?

Furthermore, scientists cannot agree on a theory of evolution. I've heard at least three different theories which clearly contradict each other. They cannot all be true.

Finally, if Darwinism is true, then the Bible is false, and worthless. They cannot both be true.



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