David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Feminists want "like" authority (just as Lucifer did in Isaiah 14:14)! Every woman pastor is a feminist! The Word of God prohibits women from usurping authority over men in the church, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1st Timothy 2:12). Women pastors are sinful, because they are elevating their authority to that of a man. If you remove women preachers from the Charismatic Movement, it would cease to exist overnight. America is dying for sincere men who walk with God, contend for the Christian faith, hate and fight against sin, aggressively preach the Gospel, and have God's unconditional love for sinners. It is because of a lack of such men of God that women have flooded America's pulpits and have turned the church into a laughing stock.
Women can be great leaders over other women or over children; but not over men. It is not natural. TV has gone insane with feminism. I mean, only on TV will you see a woman leading an army, defeating 10 men in hand-to-hand combat, single-handedly saving planet earth, et cetera. It's far from reality. In reality, U.S. women soldiers like Jessica Lynch are brutally raped (including being "sodomized by Iraqi thugs") by the enemy, and some are raped by their own military colleagues (and then sent back home to America in shame). Instead of sending our men into war to defend our women, we're sending our women out to get raped. Was it worth enrolling? The recruiter doesn't get raped. America has gone insane! I am not trying to be unkind, but women do not belong in the military. Let the men be men!