1. Christian persecution is slowly growing in America.
2. Christians need to start standing up for our rights instead of sitting back and keeping quiet.
3. We must first adjust our lifestyles to reflect the joy and blessings that come with our salvation.
"Friend, have you made Jesus your personal savior?"
"Excuse me if you would, please, I'm extremely busy."
"Why are you persecuting me?"
Yea, you guys have it so bad, that's why you're imagery is crammed down our throats 24/7, why the tv airwaves are inudated with christian broadcasting....
1. The same way Linux is slowly the most popular OS ever?
2. You have all the fucking rights. You aren't getting any more until everyone else has them too.
3. Just don't expect the government to help you do that.
1. Persecution is only slowly growing? The way you fundies keep screaming about how persecuted you are, one would think that you were being crucified on every street corner.
2. In fundiespeak "rights" are things like harrassing gays, and pushing creationism in science class.
3. Just be a decent human being.
Yeah, some Facebook Causes are pretty fucking ridiculous. This one, for example. But there are also a lot of decent causes there, so don't shrug it all off as asinine. (There's Freedom From Religion Foundation, Human Rights Campaign, etc.)
And, of course, by "rights" they mean the ones that only they have and that the filthy heathens only think they should get.
Oppression Pacman was a good call!
"1. Christian persecution is slowly growing in America."
No, you're mistaking non-believers standing up for their rights for persecution.
"2. Christians need to start standing up for our rights instead of sitting back and keeping quiet."
You Christians HAVE all the rights U.S. citizens are currently entitled to. You don't have the right to oppress non-believers.
"3. We must first adjust our lifestyles to reflect the joy and blessings that come with our salvation."
I agree you need to adjust your lifestyle or at least your expectations. It would be just peachy keen with me if religious delusions DID provide you with joy, but mostly they seem to make Fundies cranky and annoying. Perhaps you should investigate the joy that comes from thinking for yourself and being responsible for your own "salvation."
1) Proof? (And note -- not being allowed to turn the States into a Theocracy doesn't count. Nor does other groups having equal rights.)
2) Actually, no, you'd be better off if you sat down and shut the fuck up.
3) Meaning what, exactly?
Get over yourself.
The only Christian Persecution is in your imagination. Evangelicals, baptists, and other hardliners are doing their damnedest to squelch any and all other variations of Christianity, and to 'demonise' any other faith that isn't Christianity.
'Christian persecution is slowly growing in America.'
Yes, you can tell that because of the hordes of godless atheists in the running for the Presidency.
"1. Christian persecution is slowly growing in America."
I'll agree with this one. As christians gain more power, they persecute people they don't like more and more.
1. Christian persecution is slowly growing in America.
If Unknowing means persecution of Christians, I will accept it as a problem as well; too damned slow.
1. yes, the christians are persecuting people with impunity these days
2. when's the last time a christian sat back and kept quiet?
3. adjust your lifestyle? What, you mean by tolerating people with different beliefs than you?
I know, isn't is horrible how us Chrisitan are persecuted? Just last Sunday a swat team stormed our church and carted us all off to a federal prison. Then they burned our church, and all of our Bibles (they even strip searched us to make sure we weren't hiding any.) It was horrible. This sort of persecution has got to end.
If by “persecution,” you mean denying you your God-given right to force others to live their lives according to your beliefs
well, then you’re absolutely correct.
If by “keeping quiet,” you mean changing the outcome of a presidential election, passing laws banning gay marriages, and asking a state supreme court to have ID taught as science...well...you're way off base.
1. Because people are able to learn beyond the bable's words
2. fuck off, you have enough rights to garuntee your stupidity can stay in your own church, not in public or pushing your bullshit on everyone else
3. hahahahahahahaha never. gonna. happen. if it did, your entire existance to whine and bitch will be mooted
When the athiests start making you wear yellow crosses, come talk to me about persecution.
Until then, shut the hell up.
1. Christians do, indeed, persecute more and more people as they gain power. Fortunately, people are waking up to how Christians distort reality for their own nefarious purposes.
2. Christians need to start DYING for their "rights" - take a leaf out of Jesus' book. You love him so much, be more like him.
3. Keep your lifestyle to yourself
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