It's weird- there are two enormous continents (Africa and South America) that are largely left alone by the white man. These "peoples of color" have incredible amounts of natural resources to draw from, along with the internet and all the major R and D that was required to build existing white first world nations.
Yet, even with all this freedom and knowledge they swarm to white countries, you know, the ones with all the evil white people.
I've heard that it all comes down to nepotism (helping one's family, friends, and ingroup/race) that is unavoidable if the population is sub 90 iq. Anyone who is familiar with blacks and browns knows that breaking a few rules here and there is all part of the hustle. One rule here, another there, before you know it you're not living in a first world any more.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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