David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I guarantee you ladies that if you go to ANY "professional" doctor (i.e., a psychiatrist) for your inability to clean your house... you'll never be diagnosed with LAZINESS. Modern doctors are trained to put you on some type of drug, bill you and then give you another appointment... next! We'll I'm telling you that many of you are just plain lazy and need to start helping your husband. I realize that some women have legitimate physical/mental conditions that hinder their ability to function properly, but I believe that far too often the medical profession makes excuses for a person's lack of character. No doctor will ever tell you that you lack character. You'll instead be diagnosed with depression, hormone imbalance, regressive anger, post-traumatic stress, anything but the truth. You need to do some soul-searching if you're husband is often getting upset with you. Are you doing your job in the marriage? What is the root of your problem? Is it really him? Many of the women ending up in psychiatrist's offices are there because they refuse to accept their role in life as a "help meet" (Genesis 2:18). A "help meet" lives to please her husband, and thus pleases God.



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