“We aren't evolving..”
Citaton? If nothing else, we’re saving people with fatal conditions, literally changing the distribution of certain genetic traits, or evolving.
“if scientists think we are evolving then why don't they leave siamese twins stuck together at birth.”
First off, doctors and the parents make that decision, not ‘scientists.’
Second, that’s a birth defect, not evolving.
"i mean...maybe thats how we are "evolving".”
Stop talking so far over your head.
“oh and if we came from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?”
My family came from Scotland. Why are there still people n Scotland?
Same answer.
“are they the stupid ones?”
Evolution is not a wilfull choice, so, not a matter of smart/supid.
“and what happened to the little thumb on our feet? did it just get sucked into our foot slowly.”
We stopped swinging from branches, it moved to a better postion.
“and if my dad has a tattoo, then how come i wasnt born with the same tattoo?”
You inherited Dad’s genetic traits. Tattoos are not part of that.
“evolution is a load of BULL.”
You don’t undertand enough of it to have a valid opinion.
“God created us exactly how we are..nothing is changing..”
And, again, you know this, how?
“and well, if people wanna reject God, that is definately their loss.”
More stupidity. accepting evolution does not require anyone to reject God.