H8MeThen #fundie dailykos.com

This guy really needs to be doxxed.

Doxxing is bad when they do it. Why is it good when we do it?

Because their intent is stochastic terrorism, ours is only to damage his reputation so that he becomes poor.

No. There is no difference. What you are suggesting is terrorism by another method. And it legitimized their use of it against you.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Doxxing is wrong, no matter who does it.

Sorry, but I do see a difference. They dox us for having an opinion they don’t agree with, or stating our opinion publicly, with the intent of actually attacking us or our families or property. We dox them for doing something illegal or at least hateful, with the intent of legal prosecution, or at least damage to reputation that makes employment more difficult.

As an example, let’s consider the woman who duck taped her dog’s muzzle. Should she have been outed? How about the guy who showed up at the OCT rally to oppose the open carrying of weapons, only to have them follow him back to his car and use his license plate number and connections to corrupt LE to publish his name and home address on every gun nut site in the US? Should he have been outed?

Neither should have been outed.

False equivalency. Your logic equates criminals with political prisoners.

There is no justification to publicize the name of a private person unless they commit a crime, and in that case only with those people locally (the muzzled dog lady’s story, if a crime, should have been a local matter and no more). So far the only crime this person has committed is being a childish drunk asshole.



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