Jesus is waving his hands in front of your face and you still can't see him. God dosen't call down fire like he did in the OT...he sent Jesus.....And that isn't enough for you?
No matter how much he waved his hand, he did it 2000 years ago.
Coming soon: "The HORROR of ZOMBIE JESUS"!
he sent Jesus.....And that isn't enough for you?
Evidence (or rather, the total, yawning black void where it should be) suggests that that never happened.
Even if it did, it's not a question of it being enough. Do I accept, and thus implicitly condone, brutal torture and execution as the necessary and sufficient solution to all the world's ills? Do I want to directly benefit from the agonising death of another man? Fuck no. Not even if that man, for some twisted reason, wanted me to. Your religion consists of human sacrifice dressed up as barbaric retributionary "justice", and I will have no part of either.
yes. A belief in what you believe is not enough for me. And if you can see him waving his hands in front of me, you should be able to take a picture and prove it. Because damn, my doctor told me I had 20/20 vision but if I can't see a person in front of me I must be blind! How in the world do I cross the street without being killed?
Waving his hands isn't helping. Perhaps he should answer a few questions instead. He can start by resolving the contradictions among the gospels. After that, he can explain why the Jesus that Paul talked about bears so little resemblance to the Jesus of the gospels.
After we've cleared that up, I'd like to ask Jesus what the f#@! he sees in Pat Robertson.
Jesus is waving his hands in front of your face and you still can't see him
Air in a wind tunnel test:
IBM written in individual atoms :
Rainbows. Something that doesn't physically exist:
Your 'attempts' to make your J-boy exist as easily as the above may be just a little too doctrinally lethal for you.
Burden of Proof, fundies. We have proved the existence of what can't be seen.
We've shown you ours, you show us yours .
If you claim that something exists, you must be able to produce it. 'Faith' not allowed.
And Rainbows destroy the whole concept of the 'Supernatural', so good luck with that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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