“free from domestic violence” with a clip of a dismembered female mannequin.
Quite a naked appeal to the women’s vote there. Could Trump pull that off today without an ad highlighting Muslim mass sexual assaults?
Personally, I think gendered politics is passing from the scene. Racial politics is – relatively speaking – more important than it was in 1968, despite what people might think about our “progress.”
So many decry tribalism today, but it’s just about all people have left, and that’s why it’s coming back with a vengeance. We are not all 7 billion people living in harmony, because that’s impossible. It’s in defiance of God, if you’re a believer in religion, or human nature, if you’re honest about our species. Probably both I think. Better to hedge your bets about these matters.
> It’s in defiance of God, if you’re a believer in religion, or human nature, if you’re honest about our species
lmao, are you a cross-eyed love child of /r/atheism and /r/iamverysmart ?
While you may think you sound intelligent, and while your choice of words and phrasing may indeed superficially resemble signs of intelligent life, if the Internet were a white wall, your twaddle would still look like the spot on it where an angry toddler armed with a red crayon unleashed his fury.
"an ad highlighting Muslim mass sexual assaults"
To anyone like Bill P.:
- A Muslim sexually assaults someone - the fault of Islam!
- A Christian sexually assaults someone - NOT the fault of Christianity! The assailant is Not A Real Christian!
"Could Trump pull that off today without [...] highlighting Muslim[...]s?"
...oh, I dunno. But I wonder - considering his anti-Muslim rhetoric - should the above be used by his enemies, how Donald Fart is going to spim his way out of that one.
Either all Muslims are terrorists or they aren't.
But then, there have been white right-wing terrorists in the US. So indeed: racial politics is more important.
...and Wiggy can't even place a bet on that shrubbery on his head, never mind hedge one. >:D
What's wrong with a blatant appeal to the women’s vote? If you don't think we're an "interest group" worth courting, go to Turkey. I didn't see a single woman in all the footage of the coup, on either side.
I'm not sure racial politics is more important than it was in 1968, but it's definitely time to stop pretending racism exists or that's any justification for it.
I simply don't understand the "tribalism is all people have left" bit.
Why complain about pandering to women or blacks or Muslims or whoever when you want pandering to whites and Christians? Why are racist conservatives as big of proponents of identity politics as the liberals they hate?
Yeah, you're right about tribalism. The shit that goes on now is no different than the tribalist bullshit in Africa you use to prove Africans are primitive. No, tribalism is a primitive idealogy that needs to die a horrible death now, before it causes millions (billions?) of innocents to die.
Didn't you hear? All sexual assaults are feminist lies and women are lying 100% of the time if they are assaulted, unless Muslims did it, in which case it 100% happened and we can assume the worst.
"So many decry tribalism today, but it’s just about all people have left, and that’s why it’s coming back with a vengeance. We are not all 7 billion people living in harmony, because that’s impossible. It’s in defiance of God[.]"
That's what bothers me most. I can run with groups not getting along and doing best separated. I accept that humans are essentially tribalistic, and that nobody, at the emotional level, truly cares about everyone on Earth.
What gets to me, though, is that he seems to be implying that such tribalism is a good, beautiful thing, as opposed to a hard reality to be dealt with.
A racist/tribalist who considers such a sad reality may still be a good person with your essential values, just a grimmer outlook calling for grimmer action. A racist/tribalist of the Moon Man set who wants to slaughter everyone outside their group and build a second Auschwitz is at least intellectually honest, recognizing the implications of their ideology and sentiments. A racist/tribalist who hems and haws about how great segregation is and how beautiful their people are is just a supremacist too cowardly, socially and intellectually, to call for eliminating the other groups and taking their land.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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