you know what, atheist shouldnt even be on this world god made this world all perfect then satin had to come and messed it all up thanks guys suck if it wasnt for you we? wouldnt have death murder or any other bad things you guys SUCK
"you know what, atheist shouldnt even be on this world"
According to your theology, God made atheists too. Don't question His logic!
"god made this world all perfect then satin had to come and messed it all up thanks alot."
The fact that the world could be messed up in the first place negates its perfection. If something is truly perfect, it can't be fucked up, especially by satin, chiffon, lamé or any other fine fabric.
According to your childishly crude creation myth, sin was caused by Adam and Eve, who I'm pretty sure are supposed to have been believers in the existence of god. The first murderer in the story did so because of a dispute over sacrifices, again to the god he presumably believed in.
so despite the fact you god is so retarded he created light BEFORE light sources, as well as "creating" the angel that would eventually become SATAN (not satin you moron) we get the rap for that.... nice. well hmmmm what about the 20,000,000 deaths at the hand of god thoughout the bible, as well as the deaths caused by religious war fought in the name of your god. I think you've also missed the point that 90 odd % of prison inmates are i dont know....not atheist, not buddhist, BUT CHRISTIAN.
we have brought more to the world than your poisonous little cult has ever given humanity, we due to scientific endevours have given the world such as the discovery of the structure of DNA, modern medicine, genetics and all of the other wonders that the bountiful table of science has given to humnaity. Also dont forget the billions we have given to charity too. bill gates has given 6 billion to charity and sir richard branson has given 3 billion so far, and guess what they are both atheist. we only suck because we do things for the benefit of mankind. NOT to get some precious prize in the afterlife.
enjoy your delusion
So whose fault is it, ours or Satan's?
Also this:
Bucky: Whoa, these underpants you're buying were made by Satan !
Rob: What? No, they're not made "by Satan", they're made out of satin.
Bucky: Oh, okay, that makes sense... Hey, fancy .
Satchel: Ha ha! They would've been underpants from the underworld! Hot pants!
(If I find the actual strip, I will scan and post it.)
Since they call Satan satin, can I call God gad?
And what IS it with them and not giving 'atheist' and 'scientist' a plural form?
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
And then again the Raven quotheth, "LOL, you Rawk"
Alas, the Raven quotheth no more.
If "Satin" messed it up, how is it the fault of the atheists? Presumably Satan "believed in" God, since he was trying to overthrow him, yes?
atheist shouldnt even be on this world god made
But according to you, God made me as the atheist I am today. So how does that work?
You know what else sucks, karnag? Your spelling.
So....About the abortion clinic bombers, the killer of David Gunn, Crusuades, Inquisition, Army of God, etc...
then satin had to come and messed it all up thanks alot.
Silk is so much softer. Besides, satin sheets are tricky. I always slide out of bed on those things.
"if it wasnt for you we? wouldnt have death"
No, if it wasn't for the second law of thermodynamics* we wouldn't have death. Of course, we wouldn't have much of anything else either.
* Which probably doesn't mean what you think it does if you read about it in a book written by a fundie.
I thought it was Adam and Eve that messed everything up for the rest of us?
And how come God isn't capable of bitch-slapping Satan (or 'Satin') back into line? If he's all-powerful and stuff, surely kicking the butt of one rogue angel shouldn't be too much of a challenge.
The following murderers are Christians:
The Crusaders. Hitler. Anders Breivik. Joseph Kony. The old KKK (I don't think the new KKK kills people). etc.
Then you have fundies from other religions, who are definitely NOT atheists.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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