Childhood vaccinations are a conspiracy to make people forget their past lives
To get people fully trapped and enslaved in an unnatural system of control, they have to convince people that this is the only shot they've got at life, and once they die that's it, they're done.
Young children often remember their past incarnation on earth, and this threatens to control structure by making people realize they can do anything they want and always get another shot at life. More importantly, people can kill their oppressors and destroy the control system that rules their lives and would reduce them to slaves. The rich fear this. The evil ones loathe it. The realists know it's unavoidable in the end.
Childhood vaccinations were introduced for the purpose of inducing forgetfulness, under the guise of offering health benefits. Much like fluoride was used to make people docile while claiming that it was for their benefit, nothing done without your consent or without your knowledge is ever for your benefit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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