First, admit that liberals do deify government officials, which is undeniable. Second, liberal insistence on using the incorrect term "President's Day," which is contrary to law, defies any other explanation.
What in the name of fuck are you going on about? President's Day is the name used in some states to combine the celebration of both Lincoln's and Washington's birthday. It is not a "liberal" holiday, nor is calling it "President's Day" in any way contrary to any law.
We live in a free nation, no matter how much you would like to deny that, and for it to be contrary to law there would have to be a law that specifically said "This holiday may not, in any way, be refered to as "President's Day" by any citizen, permanent resident, business entity, or public trust." There is not such a law.
You deny far too much, Hsmom. Join the "Economist" in losing credibility by refusing to admit that liberals deify government officials
So if you make an assertion towards someone and they point out that it's not true, then therefore it must be true? I self identify as a liberal and yet I've managed to critisize every president liberal or conservative, so by your reasoning then I must actually secretly worship the liberal ones in some kind of secret alter I keep hidden.
Is your ego so fragile that you can't even entertain the possibility that you might be wrong?
Lots of vague denials here, yet no one will admit how liberals deify government officials, as communists did for Stalin and Lenin in the Soviet Union and elsewhere
Mabye no one will admit to it because it's not true. Andy, you poor deluded fool, your reasoning has yet to pass beyond the witch trial phase, where you throw an accused witch in the lake and execute them for witch craft if they don't drown.
To liberals, the "President" is an object of worship (or extreme scorn in a few cases). A liberal views the President as somehow above everyone else, and "President's Day" is in honor and recognition of that deification
It's funny how you just ignore the fact that a very large percentage of liberals, democratic or otherwise, are christians. It seems that you start from the assumption that liberal=atheist, and that's just not so, no matter how much you whine and cry about it. You are like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
despite the law expressly stating otherwise
And what law would that be, Andy? Specifically, what law? Seeing as how any law like that would be a violation of the establishment clause, I have to assume that you are simply resorting to type an lying, seems it runs in your family.
Pathetic, I know, but atheists don't have the real God and this helps fill their vacuum.
What vaccum? You assume too much, do you even know any real, live atheists?
ShawnJ, you lose all credibility when you say that you "disagree that liberals deify government officials."
Andy, andy, andy.... You never had an credibility to begin with, and I highly doubt that anyone cares whether or not you find them credible. All we are trying to do is drag you out of this fantasy world you live in and introduce you to reality. It's for your own good really.
What you do think the deification of Lenin, Stalin and Castro is about? Or do you deny that deification also?
I don't deny there was a cult of personality in those cases, much like the one you are busily trying to build for yourself there at Schaflyopedia, But those cults of personality were built from the top down and actively encouraged by the state, not sponteneous and bottom up like you claim is the case in the US. There is no comparison there, and you are still full of shit.
I repeat: atheists don't have God,
That's the first true statement you have made in this little self serving diatribe, and it will likely be the last.
and something inevitably fills that vacuum
Again, what vaccum? Humans are not born hardwired to worship any "god", much less your "god".
The presidency plays that role for many liberals. Honor and worship!
You say it over and over and over again as if repetition will somehow make it true. I don't even want to hear you go on about honor and worship of a president. Just a few short moths ago you, yourself were advocating charges of treason for those who disagreed with your precious Cheney's Jailhouse Bitch Bush and calling for people to be charged with slander when they pointed out lie after lie, and innumerable inconsistancies in damn near every statement that Palin made.
This little rant of your is nothing more than self serving projection.