Wayne Allyn Root #fundie rightwingwatch.org
Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root kicked off his radio broadcast on Wednesday by heaping praise on President Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military.
“Brilliant Donald Trump cements his support among every conservative, every Christian, every evangelical Christian and every straight white male in America,” Root crowed. “We are back! America is back! Thank God for Donald Trump. Thank God for common sense.”
“We’ve had it with this transgender issue,” he continued. “Do whatever you want in your bedroom, but you can’t go in the military, you cannot serve alongside the men and women who are fighting to save America [who] don’t want to be on the battlefront or in the fox holes with a he/she.”
“You don’t get to fight in the military,” Root proclaimed. “Where does the U.S. Constitution say you have a right to not know if you have a penis or a vagina and sit in a fox hole and shoot people? ‘Cause you don’t have what it takes to sit in a fox hole and shoot people and the other men who do, don’t want to sit in a fox hole with you; they’re scared of you. They’re not scared of murdering communists, they’re not scared of crazy, murdering, set-you-on-fire Muslims, they’re scared of you who don’t know if you have a penis or a vagina! That’s who scares most straight men! Sorry to tell you. They don’t want to be near you. It’s like a freaking Nightmare on Elm Street if they see a bunch of transgenders walking towards them who don’t know if they are a man or a woman.”
“Those days are done,” Root celebrated. “Real men are in charge of the United States of America again, not the sissies called liberal men. Those days are over. The military is for real men ’cause your children’s lives are on the line.”