[In a discussion about Jesus Camp]
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Praise God for intolerant right-wing indoctrination!!!! clap
Obvious troll is obv... *reads comment above* Yeah, Paler_Face, they'd probably call it "the one true Word of God Almighty and all his Shiny Angels" or "the true and authorized Word of a sixteenth-century English king". Or something.
Sadly, no. TwinCrier is absolutely for real. She is the sort of fundy that created the need for Poe's law...she is not a Poe herself.
And, we studied this verse in my Hebrew class. Mistranslation. It is not an instruction to raise a child in any particular way, and the phrase "he should go" is not present in the Hebrew. It is a warning, not an affirmation, closer to "Train up a child in his own way, and *even* when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Basically, it is saying to raise your child, because if you let him raise himself any way he likes, he'll never learn otherwise.
This sounds sarcastic, especially with a bible reference. True fundies rarely give references in the bible to back themselves up, just say "READ IT"
Note: what the hell is a Poe? I see the label all the time and have found no reference to its meaning.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
There's nothing too awfully fundie here. It's basically sound parenting/training. That's why I'm trying to teach my 8 year old about critical thinking, logic, and rationality.
Praise God for intolerant right-wing indoctrination!!!!
Are we sure that this wasn't posted one of our type just screwing around with the heads over at "CF"?
I always loved that verse growing up.
PS: The way he should go is being nice to others, not hiding away and being a bigot to those you don't agree with.
"Praise God for intolerant right-wing indoctrination!!!! clap"
Praise God for disturbing honesty!!!! gonorrhea
Also: "I can't believe it is not Poe" award?
Praise God for intolerant right-wing indoctrination!!!! clap
Praising God for indoctrination ...and the Clap?!
I prefer the clap. It can be cured with penicillin.
@ Reverend Davidius
As near as I can interpret it, it goes something like; No matter how ridiculous a post or statement, someone somewhere will believe it, and you can't tell if either of them is kidding or not.
Look up Poe's Law on google, or try this;
Hmm, I just thought - is TwinCrier a fundy spelling of Town Crier ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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