book has been written by Patricia Sexton called The Feminized Male. Half of America’s guns are owned by women. Long Island has a firegirl in their fire department. The military academy is now co-educational. There are now girls in the Boy Scouts. On the board of the Y.M.C.A. there are four women. One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
Along with this trend is the trend of naming boys and girls the same names. Now I don’t mean to be unkind, but if you are going to name a girl “Jack,” put an “i-e” on it and make it “Jackie” or add an “a-l-y-n” and make it “Jacalyn.”
When a little boy is born, we let him grow long hair and look like a girl, (now I’m going to make someone mad here) we name him Francis, (and one of the best friends I have in this world is named Francis) we curl his hair and put him in what we call a diaper shirt, (which is no more than a dress) and then we wonder why he turns out to be a sissy! Brother, when a boy gets home from the hospital, put him in blue jeans and cut his hair! If you don’t, he’s going to grow up and look like some of you Samsons sitting here in this room tonight!
So this is the guy DJS gets his worldview from. Why am I not surprised.
Is he saying that being what he considers feminine is the default, unless you condition a person otherwise from infancy? Seriously, if “masculinity” is something so unnatural that you have to force it on little children through clothes and haircuts, maybe we should abandon it altogether.
jack hyles: "When a little boy is born, we let him grow long hair and look like a girl, (now I’m going to make someone mad here) we name him Francis, (and one of the best friends I have in this world is named Francis) we curl his hair and put him in what we call a diaper shirt, (which is no more than a dress) and then we wonder why he turns out to be a sissy! Brother, when a boy gets home from the hospital, put him in blue jeans and cut his hair! If you don’t, he’s going to grow up and look like some of you Samsons sitting here in this room tonight!"
Someone sitting in the room: "Samson? According to the Bible he had super strength *exactly because* he never cut his hair! He defeated an enemy army, 'killed a thousand men', single-handedly with only a donkey jaw bone for a weapon!"
jack hyles (capital A Annoyed): "That never happened! It's made up!! Long hair is for girls!!!!"
"By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
And mom will wear pants and that will make him lust after mom and turn him gay at the same time.
“By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
And this is a problem because ....? My brothers and I learned to wash dishes when we were six years old, back in the 1950s. The woman across the street is always the one who mows the lawn, because she enjoys it and her husband doesn't.
<if you are going to name a girl “Jack,” put an “i-e” on it and make it “Jackie” or add an “a-l-y-n” and make it “Jacalyn.”>
Subject Zero, AKA Jack, from the Mass Effect games would like a word or two. Specifically "F**k You" before she telekinetically tosses you through a wall.
<when a boy gets home from the hospital, put him in blue jeans and cut his hair! If you don’t, he’s going to grow up and look like some of you Samsons sitting here in this room tonight!>
Fun factoid, Jackie: Originally pink was the designated colour for boys and blue for girls. The story goes that a fairly powerful English monarch was expecting a child of one specific gender and had everything ready in that colour. Then baby is born and surprise! It's the gender other than expected. Since then it has been blue for boys and pink for girls to cover for that mistake.
The lesson? Cultural standards change (evolve, even, to use the fundies' boogey-word) so that what was once masculine or feminine may not always stay the same.
Now repeat this next bit ad nauseam until you get it: And there is nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, because Samson was a real sissy, right?
When my grandfather was born in 1910, boys and girls were dressed about the same way, in a frock/tunic kind of garment, and half-long hair. I think it was about the same in all of Europe, not a Swedish thing. His generation still managed to grew up to fight in the WWII.
Old Hylie was wrong about at least one thing (and probably a hundred other things, beside that): almost no-one washed diapers in the year 2000.
My younger brother used to have naturally curly hair before was ten. My parents didn't do that on purpose, I assure you.
He certainly wouldn't be mistaken for a "sissy" now, but whatever.
Your world sounds kind of boring.
Joyce and Shirley were originally prominently male names, but once people used them more for girls, they became too "feminine", as if that's a terrible thing.
Stop limiting these things, or you'll end up with almost nothing, and probably try to make up for it in really stupid ways.
I find it odd that an American would decry long hair.
Wild Bill Hickok, Buffalo Bill Cody, General Custer, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Davey Crockett, in fact any number of legendary characters of from American history had long hair and I doubt you could call them sissies to their faces and expect to live.
Also I've never seen an image of Christ with a buzzcut.
Of course it's all moot as good ol' Jack has long gone to the great barbers in the sky.
What's wrong with men changing the baby or doing the dishes? Or women mowing the lawn and washing the car? These are still household chores that need doing.
Why do fundies live in this land where men have never done any child rearing? Heck, if a woman died in childbirth, chances are her husband would have no choice but to do the child rearing.
One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
What the hell is wrong with that? "Women's work" is so 1950's.
And who the hell washes diapers these days? I'm assuming that quote was probably back from the 1950's, back when they predicted all sorts of things for the future, all of it wrong. Like flying cars, jetpacks, moon bases, etc. They couldn't foresee that people would have disposable diapers.
The problem here is that these guys, fundies of any ilk, are terribly obsessed with labels(what kind of labels vary)and, as my old philosophy teacher said parodying the "a priory" category system Kant proposed used to say "so, if the data don't fit the system, go fuck yourself data" (roughly translated from Spanish). They can become fanatically obsessed with people that don't fit those preconceived categories more blatantly since they are the ones that disprove the theory at most.
Actually, this quote is kind of sad because this obsession with feminity bullshit destroyed my relationship with my grandma. To put it in context, it happened in the mid nineties and my Spanish grandmother was extremely uneducated from a very small village in the Spanish countryside. She wanted me to be a model and to date a guy, at sixteen, fourteen years my senior who was an engineer and thought he was interested in me, to my parents' horror. When I told her that my plans were either biology or linguistics in order to be either a professor/teacher, researcher or transistor, the poor idiot asked me, for starters, what I meant with translator or researcher, teacher option, a job she was more familiar with, was scolded with this, she thought, unique insight, "teaching is for the ugly women, not like you". I replied it was rubbish but the problem is that it was used by my cousins to humilliate her in public. My parents told me that, at the time of my grandma, and probably thanks to idiots like the OP, any respectable woman shouldn't take a man's job and Heaven forbids if a man, for example, painted or sewed. So, yes, in my case it's personal
You're seriously calling Samson a sissy? RTFM, you jackass...
What about that long-haired guy... what was his name? I think it's in your site name. Jesus? Was he a sissy because of his attire and long hair?
This is too much stupid for this early...
If masculine interpretation is this superficial, it only corresponds to superficial masculinity. I think what you mean is that YOU don't want to go to the trouble to meet real people, you want those symbols to tell you all you want to know. Lazy Jacquie!
John Wayne.
Actual name Marion Mitchell Morrison.
This 'Jesus' you speak of. He wore a dress. Had long hair.
You sure this individual was called 'Jesus', and not, say... Jessie ?
Your call, Jacqueline . >:D
"By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers"
David Beckham proves that looking after one's kids is a very manly thing. And he pioneered the concept of 'Metrosexuality', and is also a gay icon; he doesn't mind in the slightest he's that secure about his sexuality.
Babies really aren't aware of what they're wearing, except for comfort, you idiot. It's obvious you've never changed a diaper, or you'd understand why pants should be saved for later.
Also, I have a Norman ancestor named Josselin/Jocelin who wore both short and long skirts all his predatory life.
One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
Uh, that was 15 years ago - so much for that "social expert's" prediction. BTW, I don't know any woman around here who mows the lawn. It's dad on the riding mower (or more likely they just pay someone). "On an average day, 19 percent of men did houseworksuch as cleaning or doing laundrycompared with 49 percent of women."- Time Magazine, 2014.
One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”
Figures Dave likes this guy. Dave probably thinks it's 1999.
Could we trot out the old-timey
photographs with boys in dresses?
As for long hairs, I would love to
see that idiot ranting in front of a
room full of metalheads. He would
see how much of a sissy a horde of growling Nordic men can be.
Other bands play. MANOWAR KILL!
Wow, I've rarely seen such petty griping. Who fucking cares if a boy has long hair or if he's named Francis (and incidentally, giving girls vaguely masculine names is much more common than the reverse, not that it matters) or if he wears a "diaper shirt" as a kid? It's only petty dickwads like you who give a shit.
"Come on now, this quote is over forty years old and Jack Hyles has been dead fifteen years now.
There are plenty of bigoted idiots still extant to quote."
Yes but he lives on in the form of David J. Stewart (so I'm told)... who quotes him all the time.
[i]Caroll[/i] Shelby.
Creator of the Shelby Cobra GT-500: driven by the CZ-75-wielding Rally Vincent in the manga/anime "Gunsmith Cats".
His testing of the AC Cobra on the M1 motorway here in the UK: up to 186 MPH. Thus he is responsible for the 70 MPH speed limit on our motorways. *
No 'sissy' was he , Jacalyn Piles .
*- Oh, and in interviews in later life, the then Transport Minister Barbara Castle said it was the fact that it was his tests being brought to her attention, which resulted in legislation to limit vehicle speeds on the motorways.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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