Sorry - Evolution-Tards...Another Smack-Down - For Your "Theory"....
Sorry for you Evolution-Tards, and science-defying Mongrel-Theists.
Looks like the cartoons you use just don't seem to jibe with real experimental research, and observable science?
Those goofy "Evolution-Sketches" were pretty good though.
Perhaps you should try the Comic-Book Industry?
A group of scientists with the University of Cambridge recently published a report in the journal “Nature Structural and Molecular Biology,” in which they describe their findings on epigenetic modifications.
Not only is the genome more complex than previously thought, but the number of modifications that affect it is higher than predicted.
“the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity”
I predict a strong future in cartoons, and comics, for the "Evolution-Tards".
[link to]
And yet, for all your ill-punctuated gibberish, not one iota of reality has changed.
Evolution is, and will always be, a fact.
You are destined solely to be worm food.
Why is it that the most stupid in society are the most firm in their convictions?
It's hilarious about how he calls us Evolution-tards, like a bratty teen trying to sound mocking and insulting, but ends up sounding more like an annoying brat who is desperately trying to gain attention.
If these people are the fundie creationists' army, rationalism will win an easy victory.
This again.
Tell me Heinous. Did you even bother to read the paper from Cambridge?
I guessed not. In the same way I guess that an ignorant sister fucker like your good self have not gone within a mile of a modern biology book, and yet you think you know better than some of the most educated biologists in the world.
Dunning Kruger is a great fantasy, not so good when you interact with ACTUAL biologists, because we think you are a little bit mental.
Not only is the genome more complex than previously thought, but the number of modifications that affect it is higher than predicted.
“the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity”
This in no way disproves evolutionary theory.
@ #1913028
Why is it that the most stupid in society are the most firm in their convictions?
Because those who are intelligent enough realize they don't have all the answers and could be wrong if new evidence is found.
Evolution-Tards...Another Smack-Down
A good smack-down is pointed and witty; yours is neither. I'd normally suggest you try again, but in your case I won't bother.
Not only is the genome more complex than previously thought, but the number of modifications that affect it is higher than predicted.
And as we know more, we change our viewpoint to accommodate what we know.
the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but "unimaginable complexity" is a) neither evidence for or against creationism, and b) not a scientifically rigorous term - it's just an expression that it's very complex. See my comment above about trying again.
This is heinously stupid all right.
I read it as Evolution-Tardis, and couldn't make heads nor tail of it. There's still neither heads nor tail here, but at least it's not wibbly-wobbly too.
Yeah, complexity, which is the result of random shit happening and results accumulating for ages, unlike design, which is streamlined and reveals a selection & rejection process at work.
"Unimaginable"? Don't be silly. The word is "exciting" and new, just as if your favorite movie or book has now come out with a sequel, or as if you reached a new level in a computer game, with new doors to open. No, that "unimaginable" comment is only for those of very little imagination. Unfortunately I expect that encompasses all of Fundistan.
...which brings to mind Mr. Ham and the Ark. How many people are going to go home after seeing that abomination and cry themselves to sleep because it doesn't match the Noah's Ark of their imagination?
It's a harsh thing to have one's dreams shattered, but if you give life a chance you can grow out of that.
And how does this challenge evolution? The epigenome is possibly the next great area for genetic research. It may address things that we don't fully understand like why some identical twins, who have the same genome, have differences like one being gay and the other straight.
Calls me an Evolution-Tard. I'm upset.
Mortally wounded and crying in my beer.
How can Mr. Hennas Thorts be so cruel? {sob}
Guess I'd better go read some bible, now, and get my mind right.
OK, I'm back. Read a few chapters and once again, am reminded it's so much bullshit.
Ah, I feel so much better, now. Sticks and stones . . .
"the genome more complex than previously thought, but the number of modifications that affect it is higher than predicted."
“the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity”
You'll notice they don't say 'irreducible complexity' the strawman put forward by creationists as if their uneducated lot are best suited to define a level of complexity. You're not, we'll let the experts continue to frame the "debate" and laugh at you amateurs of having a life.
"epigenetic modifications" are experiments on or the study of diseases that attack/alter DNA.
Ripples in space-time have been detected from the collision of two black holes. Thus Einstein has been proved right a century after he came up with his Theory of Relativity.
What Darwin came up with, after his observations. And much later, geneticists proving that humans share at least 98% of their DNA with Chimpanzees. Also, Richard Lenski's research.
That's the problem with mere 'theories': they have a rather nasty habit of becoming facts .
Kitzmiller vs. Dover just over a decade ago. The fact that, even in court, the Bible is not admissable as evidence. Evidence being the key word here.
Whereas we Atheists have it. We win II.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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