Public schools do not teach the Ten Commandments. Public schools teach situational ethics which is amorality. And public schools teach the religion of Secular Humanism. And Christianity is totally logical. I accept Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that Christianity is totally logical.
Of course the schools don't teach the Ten Commandments. Half of them are specific to a particular religious tradition.
What's logical about believing that if a guy dies, it magically makes those who believe that he was a deity eligible to have all their sins forgiven?
Face it, there's nothing even faintly logical or rational about substitutional atonement.
Ok, so, remove Evolution because it´s religion, but not the ten commandments which is, what, science?, situational ethics?, when was the last time you fustigated somebody for eating lobster, or working on Sabbath?, when was the last time you shun a Catholic for having images all around?, why haven´t we stoned Clinton or Bakker or Folley for being fornicators and adulterers?. Yes, totally logical.
Kid can be taught the Ten Commandments as part of a religion class, provided the public school or the teacher doesn't endorse them as true or better than some other religion's rules.
Is George suggesting that Buddhist or American Indian children be indoctrinated to keep the Protestant's sabbath holy, in conflict with what they're taught by their parents? Should a Hindu who pays $1,000 a month in public school taxes (a pretty average figure here in the suburban Northeast) watch his children being taught that there is only one god?
I will admit that the way secular schools often teach ethics is a bit messed up (seven people on a life raft, three seats in the boat, who do you save and why?), but the idea that situational ethics is anything but the default way of dealing with things is rather unnatural if you give it some thought. But dammit, fundy "thought" just isn't really open to thought, is it?
Secular Humanism is not a religion because, hello, "secular." Situational ethics are not amorality, amorality is the complete absence of ethics. And Christianity is the idea that Gawd killed Himself to pay Himself off for causing humanity to sin against Himself. It would be hard to come up with a more back-assward religion than that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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