“Evolution is not a fact.”
But it is, though. The factual observations of evolution support the theory, which attempts to explain the facts. You don’t know enough about evolution to dismiss evolution.
“It's crap in science book”
Then you should be able to disprove it?
“sold en masse to unwittingly foolish people who buy that and replace God and religion with it.”
No, plenty of people still believe in God and accept Evolution. Like any science. It’s neutral on gods existing.
“A human being, in all his complexities and consciousness is leagues beyond the mere apes inhabiting the planet.”
SO you’re overly impressed by complexity. That’s cool. How would you even imagine proving that something is too complex for natural processes?
Can you measure complexity?
"It's -NOT- proven. I repeat NOT proven. It is THEORIZED.”
NOTHING in science is ‘proven’
Every theory is one discovery away from being overturned.
You don’t know enough about SCIENCE to dismiss evolution.
“But the majority of posters will claim fake E-Degrees or are still in college and HIGH school, not realizing that School and Science have sought to become THEIR religion, and nothing else. Not even FREE thought.”
Um, gonna say total bullshit on this. I have no formal education past high school, but i apparently know more about the science than you’re willing to learn, just from paying attention.
“"Yay, we read it in school, it must be true!"
Got an example of anyone saying that? Seems a lot more like saying ‘I saw it on TV< therefore…’
"Supposed experts who have only lived 40 years say it's true, so it must be!"
How do you dismiss them as ‘supposed’?
Why does the age matter?
“Did it ever occur to you that all our great scientists had a BELIEF in a higher being or god, and that without such a belief, science was null and void anyways?”
I’ve seen the same argument for the founding fathers of the USA. Still doesn’t makeit true.
"For many, it was the belief in science that God existed because it gave explanations to a complex universe.”
Cite, again? Anyone EVER say this or are you reading into their writings?