Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
How the British Empire is using karma to conquer India
India, will eventually be reconquered by the British Empire, as the British Empire, is using India's own belief system against them.
The British Empire, brutalized India for several centuries, after India's independence, and emergence on the world scene, that bad past, "bad karma", was a risk to the British.
So what did they do? Encourage India, to prey upon America. India, as we speak, is pillaging, discriminating against and oppressing untold number of American's. Systematically stealing technology, job's and resources meant for American's, and American posterity.
In terms of India's theology, they are trying to nullify bad British karma, by encouraging India, to have an even worse karma, by preying on America, a nation genuinely trying to help advance India.
India's own religious/theological system, due to India's bad karma, it justifies the British, brutalizing India into submission.
It is bad to harm a stranger, but to harm one trying to help you? That is tens of thousands of leagues worse.
In the Judeo-Christian system, Britain is justifying before the Heavenly Courts, the reconquest of India. As a nation that in a manner, goes to war against those who are trying to help them, does not deserve to be independent or free.
The horrors India has committed in America, destruction of communities, destruction of families, dispossession and mocking, of a people that actively tried to aid them, it is bad for India all around, and won't end well for them.
No matter how you look at it, the mocking of people trying to help you, is a huge amount of bad karma, and looks really bad before the Heavenly Court's, that determine all human affairs.