Judgment from God may have already begun, and God always starts with His people, in this case, those who "name the name of Christ." Numerous primarily and solely black churches near and around and throughout the country have burned recently. Some by lightning strikes, others by electrical wiring shortages, another by a black racist arsonist and via undetermined causes.
FBI agents conducting investigations have stated that the remaining burned churches did not happen as a result of arson. When pressed farther, an agent offered "spontaneous combustion" as a possibility. Could it be that God has removed his hand of protection from these 100, 120, and 130 year old churches? Could it be that God was so unhappy about these churches, their leadership and membership supporting the most ardent sodomy and abortion-centric president in U.S. history?
Citation for FBI agents offering "spontaneous combustion" as a possibility, please.
God is apparently perfectly happy with 500-, 800-, 1000-year-old churches in Europe, where "sodomy" and abortion are even more accepted.
The answers are (1) probably not a black arsonist, and (2) nope, not a chance.
Could it be? Using questions and pretending they are answers is a coward's way to debate. Why don't you have the guts to just come out and say you don't like Obama because he's black? If god protects your church and I put a match to it, don't you think it would burn? Would that make me mightier than god? See, I can do it too.
Other than a lightning strike at a church in South Carolina, and accidental fires starting at black churches in Florida and Tennessee, investigators have ruled out accidental causes in cases in Georgia and North Carolina. Given the history of black churches in the South getting burned, I'm not sure I want to take the word of someone who calls himself 'SouthernPatriot' too seriously.
Firefighter: Holy shit, this is the ninth church this month! Where are you, God? How could this happen?
SouthernPatriot: Lightning. I saw the whole thing, it was lightning.
Firefighter: There hasn't been a cloud in the sky for weeks... and you smell kind of like gasoline... and haven't I seen you eight other times this month alone?
SouthernPatriot: Oh... well I just make myself party to as many acts of God as possible.
Firefighter: Wait... You saying you did this?
SouthernPatriot: Witness! I meant to say witness to acts of God! And to a bunch of racist niggers setting their own church on fire because of racism.
Firefighter: Didn't you say it was lightning?
SouthernPatriot: Erm...
Could it be that God was so unhappy about these churches, their leadership and membership supporting the most ardent sodomy and abortion-centric president in U.S. history?
Most of these burnings, as well as tornado damage and hurricanes, have happened in the South. So did losing the Civil War. Did it ever occur to you that God just doesn't like American Southerners? Makes as much sense as your hypothesis. Just a thought ...
Even though a childish, rampaging Bible God doesn't exist, you've proved that you wish that He did so that He could satisfy your strange needs for the destruction and terrorizing of people who don't agree with you or of people who you don't approve of.
Proof positive that both you and He are degenerate morons.
"Could it be that God has removed his hand of protection from these 100, 120, and 130 year old churches? "
Or could it be that you are suffering from a fit of confermation bias?
FBI agents conducting investigations have stated that the remaining burned churches did not happen as a result of arson. When pressed farther, an agent offered "spontaneous combustion" as a possibility. Could it be that God has removed his hand of protection from these 100, 120, and 130 year old churches? Could it be that God was so unhappy about these churches, their leadership and membership supporting the most ardent sodomy and abortion-centric president in U.S. history?
Well, you'd better go with the FBI's explanation, because the only possible alternative is too doctrinally lethal for you; certainly in an MC Escher-esque paradoxical way:
image image
God has turned Atheist .
It is possible for buildings to catch fire due to accidental chemical spillages, electrical faults etc. Just ask fire department investigators, the Feds ...!
Strange then, how the 'sinful' French Quarter of New Orleans emerged from Katrina with nary a scratch, eh...?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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