Metapedia #racist

Holocaust education can be considered one part of the Holocaust industry. Besides ideological aspects there are also commercial aspects with many individuals and organizations making money from the teaching and related aspects. Many schools, universities, and other educational institutions in the Western world teach the standardized politically correct version. This may occur at all ages and often repeatedly at different ages.

Besides traditional classroom teaching this may involve paying "Holocaust survivors" to give speeches, making journeys to the numerous Holocaust museums and the Holocaust camps, and so on. In addition, there is an industry of organizations which sell advice to teachers, lobby organizations which lobby for more Holocaust education and more money for this purpose, interest organizations for teachers, and so on.

Criticisms have been raised against the exclusive or predominant focus on only the Holocaust, while ignoring or downplaying atrocities such as those against Germans during and after World War II, the killing of 100 million by Communism, or specific events such as Lazar Kaganovich starving millions of Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor. Another aspect is the often very emotional and manipulative methods used in the teaching and which are openly intended to indoctrinate students to have politically correct emotions and feelings.



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