[F/R/CSTDT hat trick from Bob]
Ms. Benazir Bhutto was the darling of western media and feminazi infiltration. Despite her personal ambitions and personal corruption she was a force for feminization of Islam just as Indira Gandhi had feminized the government of India and destroyed so many million families there.
Bob does not sympathize with the Islamic terrorists who attack NYC and other places, however it is obviously a boon to all men everywhere when a feminist scum is removed from the public sphere [Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a suicide bomber]. A female does not belong in public office.
*misabuse of 'feminism'*
*misabuse of 'feminism'*
*unnecessary 3rd-person*
*incorrect generalization*
*unnecessary generalization / mis-extrapolation of authority*
*Kicks bob in the face, knocks him on his back, runs him through with electrified two short swords, and his head inexplicably explodes*
Jeez, Mortal Kombat is violent!
Bob, you're the first and most evident personification of BIAS. They killed her because she was a political enemy, not just because she was a woman. A terrorist is a terrorist, and justifying one yes and the other no makes you an inmoral incongruent idiot.
Ms. Benazhir Bhutto was the darling of Western Media because a muslim country elected a female prime minister before the US did, not on the basis of her gender but because she was a good politician... And she is a force of feminisation. She pointed out to a government that it is the platform on which someone runs rather than what they are that should count for the election.
Indira Gandhi... Seriously? You are attempting to take on the Gandhi family? Do you even realise how much fail you have acquired taking on a woman who not only improved the living conditions of people, put a major dent into dowry, caste and sexism in India, added 20 years onto life expectancy, increased the literacy rate from 50% to nearly 65%, fixed the economy, developed a nuclear weapon and saved a group of people from genocide while liberating a country (Bangladesh). She also is 10 feet tall and made of radiation. She does not save british children...
I don't think the feminisation of the Indian government was bad. It kind of worked out a lot better for us anyways. Oh... And we do have "radical feminists". Check out Phoolan Devi. Not only is her story similar to something from Mad Max but she committed a Valentine's Day Massacre where she shot a bunch of "fools". She is "hardcore". And she was a politician.
I am sure Queen Elizabeth I and II, Queen Victoria, Catherine The Great etc etc would be very surprised to hear that.
Like most weak men, the idea of a strong woman scares you so much your dick probably inverts.
If women don't belong in public office, why doesn't it turn evident for all?. Why do people have to kill her, together with 30 other people(and turn her into a martyr, for that matter, with desastrous consequences for them), to prove their point?
No, misogynistic scum don't belong in office. I hope a butch lesbian beats the shit out of you, asshole.
Whenever idiots like this are pressed to give reasons WHY women shouldn't be allowed to hold office, it always comes down to some ridiculous stereotypes and generalizations about women's personalities: "they're too emotional to handle the position", etc.
Really? ALLLLLLL of them? Why don't we use one's emotional stability as the criterion for holding office, and not gender, which, while correlated with it, isn't the sole deciding factor in one's emotionality? Why not kick out over-emotional men, but permit women who aren't deemed overly emotional?
That's what I don't get about these idiots - the rigid adherence to barring women on the basis of some - even the majority - sharing certain characteristics they deem unacceptable, even though there are many individual differences between women that would place them above and beyond men in the very dimensions they dislike women for being so purportedly low in.
@Xotan Gay does not equal misogyny, the contrary is more often the case.
Gay people are in general the the opposite of a Fundie misogynists.
I'm guessing Bob always dreamt of being the little boy who gets to feel the Pope's testicles...just to check, you know. Just in case.
Ah, Elizabeth I....what a field day you'd've had with Little Bob here.
@ cui bono
Thanks for the comment, but actually, I am gay and I totally agree with what you say. At the point of writing, for some reason I got the idea Bob was gay... Can't think why. So the comment/question was with a sense of disbelief.
Well, Xotan is not that wrong. It's true that many straight and mysoginist men hate gays but it's because of their perceived notion that sex equals power. Having sex with another man as if they were "women" is considered a treason to their self-steem, that's why(together with the social stereotype that gay men are effeminate, which is patently false). And that is why, apparently, lesbian sex excites them, because it enables them to "feel" through a woman's experience without emasculating themselves.
However, it's totally true that some mysoginists are homosexual or asexual. In ancient Greek happened and it's one of the reasons why it was tolerated(it was a mysoginist society), as an alternative to regular sex, which had become problematic.
Bear in mind that they're so for a similar reason why some radical feminist opt for being Lesbians, it's the only way in which they can avoid having the ONLY limited, more or less equal, contact with women, and reduce them to a mere reproductive role(men concede more importance to pleasure)
Bhutto is a ~true~ martyr, not like these bastards that blow themselves up. She was killed because of her cause, but her death had the opposite effect that the assassins desired. Rather than backing off, her movement and movements like it experienced a huge surge forward, defeating the opposition and actually putting a female in charge of their parliament. If there is anything we can count on fundies to do, its that they will always shoot themselves in the foot with their actions.
Just a side note: if you're tempted to troll his blog be aware that if you do post a sane opinion against his arguments or some point he's made, he will delete the comment before its even shown.
Funny how he rants about "feminazi" censorship and fascism. I guess censorship and fascism are only good when he does it.
Since Bob's mysogynistic idiocy is already well documented, i will point out just a small detail.
"[Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a suicide bomber]."
Uhh no, she was shot by a very UNsuicidal assassin. There was a bomb but that seems to be have been more of a distraction to allow the assassin to get away (which from what I can tell he or they did)
Oh and Bob, DIAF please. thanks.
No, a hateful, misogynistic piece of scum does not belong in public office. Gender has nothing to do with your ability to rule, imbecile. I'd put the long list of female rulers in history here, but I'm too tired to do it.
And since when is "feminization" of Islam a bad thing? Especially when there still are Muslim women today who dress in chadors, are forced to marry much older men or already-married men, and are basically treated like chattel? Get a life, you loser.
Bob's retirement dream is to move to Iran? Hell I think I could take a collection for a one way ticket. Just find out where he lives and ask the women within a 10 mile radius.
Hah! I just noticed he's started talking in third person, what's next the royal we? Cape and scepter?
Hey Bob, you are a disgusting excuse for a human being and I hope that the empress Theodora, Cleopatra, Elizabeth I and Boudicca all rise from the grave and kick your ass.
Once again bobx is absolutely correct. Benazir Bhutto was a terrible ruler who allowed the TALIBAN to come to power in Afghanistan, so BENAZIR BHUTTO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11. It was a good thing she was killed off before she could do any more harm to the world. Bhutto was proof why women can't rule.
"A female does not belong in public office."
Don't let Margaret Thatcher hear you say that. She'll beat you to death with her handbag.
Women belong wherever women wish to be.
I left Bob the following response:
"Poor Bob. Small penis, disgusting personality and nothing to offer a woman, balancing the scales by denigrating them. Essentially worthless.
Sucks to be you."
Any bets on whether or not Bob actually lets that one slide past the mod function?
Bob was the idiot of western socity and anti-feminism infiltration. Despite his personal ambitions and personal corruption he was still a pithetic asshole from the USA and advocated destroying so many millions of lives there.
Saika does not sympathize with any murder however it is obviously a boon to all people everywhere when scum like Bob is removed from the public sphere. Bob does not belong on our Earth.
kthanxbiee :)
So, that means you voted Obama, right?
@AK-47 Like so many people here I don't actually condone murder; rather I was showing that there is no difference between one life and another. If bob sees it as acceptable to speak in such a manner, surely he shouldn’t mind if his words are used against him.
However, if a man hasn't got a girlfriend, and commits suicide before killing a bunch of them, is a martyr. Your double standards are ridiculous.
"Family" to misogynists like Bob seems to be a tiny prison with one dictator and as many slaves as he can afford.
Subsequently, giving women freedom and education and the ability to keep their babies alive and to earn their own income is, to people like Bob, to "destroy the family".
Most of the Muslim world does not sympathize with the terrorists who attacked NYC, Charlottesville, Orlando, Stockholm, Nice, Las Vegas, Istanbul, regardless of religion or political viewpoint.
So you DO sympathize with terrorists who kill women? How very "manly" of you, nincompoop.
(Indira Gandhi was not a relative of Mahatma Gandhi. It's just a common surname.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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