[Murderers Go to Heaven, and Victims Go to Hell?]
Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderer and a cannibal. In prison, he believed the gospel and was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins. Let's suppose his victims were not Christians. This, then, is an actual case of your manufactured example.
Where does this fit with fairness and justice?
All the victims also had the same chance to obey the gospel and go to heaven. They, too, were sinners in their own right.
Jesus paid for the sins of all, the murderer in this case and the victims. Is it fair and just then, that Dahmer will be in heaven? Yes. All his sins were paid for.
I'm not sure what your problem is.
The victims are dead. By your logic, their chances of paying for their sins have been abruptly taken away and the murderer has not only killed them, but condemned them to hell for all eternity while he can look forward to living it up with God and chums. Such is Christian justice.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners... But for that very reason, I was shown mercy so that in me... Jesus Christ might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever."
- Jeffrey Dahmer, Christian cannibal serial killer.
That sounds like the scumbag that biblegod would LOVE to have on his team. Cannabalism, blind faith and the killing of gentiles.
swordswallower2, may you get cancer.
So as long as you say, "Whoops. My bad!" before you cop it, you're into heaven, no matter what you've done in life?
Gotta side with the Catholic church on this one.
I'm not sure what your problem is.
That says it all. Religion is an easy way out: you can kill (and eat!) anyone you want and still sleep soundly at night knowing that you've only to "give your heart to Jesus" and you, not your victims, will be living it up in paradise.
The problem of Jesus' death on the cross is that now we know how fucked the mind can really be.
It's bad enough when Bible thumpers claim that they have an exclusive claim on morality. It's even worse when, as this ... person demonstrates, they do so while demonstrating that they have not the faintest understanding of what morality even is .
Seriously, this ... guy just sickens me.
~David D.G.
Well, the problem is the simplistic view of the facts. It´s not enough to accept the Gospel. If he does, he has to understand the horrible nature of the facts. If he doesn´t, if he doesn´t repent and try to retribute the victims as much as he can, NO MATTER IF THEY ARE CHRISTIAN OR NOT. Because, nobody goes to Heaven just for being Christian. If you don´t see this problem, you´re giving criminals a more than horrible excuse.
"Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderer and a cannibal. In prison, he believed the gospel and was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins. Let's suppose his victims were not Christians. This, then, is an actual case of your manufactured example."
Thus showing one of the glaring errors of Christian theology.
"Where does this fit with fairness and justice?"
It doesn't fit very well at all with fairness and justice.
"All the victims also had the same chance to obey the gospel and go to heaven. They, too, were sinners in their own right."
Being condemned to eternal torture because one does not believe in something patently ridiculous is not fair or just.
"Jesus paid for the sins of all, the murderer in this case and the victims."
If Jesus paid for the sins of all, then Jesus has already paid for my sins. My ticket's been paid for, let me into heaven.
"Is it fair and just then, that Dahmer will be in heaven? Yes. All his sins were paid for."
No, not so much. No punishment for murder, eternal punishment for non-belief? You simply can't dress that up to look fair or just.
"I'm not sure what your problem is."
I'm sure I know the nature of your problem. It starts with "stupid" and ends with "asshole."
Specifically, my problem is your picture of a God who doesn't give one shit about what we do or who we harm in our mortal life, and only cares to hear "I believe in Jesus" as the single criteria for going to heaven. That is a shallow faith that bears no relationship to human life, and therefore is entirely useless.
It's absolutelly insane.
Fundamentalist Christians believe that souls last eternally which is where part of the problem.
Though they won't admit to it, I,m sure this thinking is applicable somewhere hidden in the brains of a lot of fundies.
"If a soul last eternally, where's the problem in cutting someone's life short a few decades?"
"Pfff, murder victim, that's nothing! Since if you've accepted christ, you have an eternal amount of time to live it up in heaven! Don't believe in Christ? You're throwing away his work, burn in hell."
It's an extremelly dangerous way of thinking, supposing earth life is just the beggining. Sometimes I just wish aliens would show up and announce to the world that there's no afterlife or god(s), smack the truth right into the minds of believers. Though fo course if that DID happen, they'd think the devil was trying to trick them.
This right here is the reason I hate organized religion so much.
So according to your beliefs, I can kill whomever I want, man, woman, child or animal and if I repent and accept jesus I go to heaven?
Fuck that.
All the victims also had the same chance to obey the gospel and go to heaven. They, too, were sinners in their own right.
Disregarding everything else that is horribly wrong with this, no, they didn't have the chance. Dahmer took it from them. I don't understand how this is fair at all- it's sort of like taking a baseball player's bat and then kicking them off the team for not getting a home run.
I'm not sure what your problem is.
Couldn't be that justice requires that the one to suffer for a crime be ... oh, I dunno, the one who committed it in the first place ?
Except Jeffery Dahmer stripped his victims of the option of converting, assuming they were unsaved. Not to mention, there was no justification for his killings, at all. He gets to cop out before his appointed sentence, repent, and go to heaven, no matter how horrific his crimes, no matter the pain he caused others? His victims were randomly cut down, without a chance for repentance? And this is fair? Lord...
friggin' nevropath...
my problem is that you're doing some pretty big murder apology...
by the way, Dahmer was gay, shouldn't you be shutting up by now, fundie? ain't that your problem?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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