iceman #homophobia

[Why are people still afraid of teaching about homosexuality as if it's something that can be taught or caught?]

That is precisely the point. It is something that can be taught, promoted or "caught" - not like a virus but like a bad habit especially to vulnerable youth with emotional insecurities. It is a deviant unhealthy behavior reflecting severe emotional retardation. Why on earth should any reasonable person accept the teaching and promotion of such dysfuntional behavior expecially in a school setting?

Any belief by the under thirty crowd that homosexuality is simply an alternative lifestyle choice is a perfect example of the affect of indoctrination in school and the media intended to promote this societal blight. Don't be naive and believe that abnormal, unhealthy and even destructive behavior cannot be taught to people who otherwise would not be inclined to behave in this manner. Terrorist suicide bombers are another perfect example of such an affect.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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