Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Few doctors nowadays are willing to accept the idea that certain psychic disorders are caused by entities of the astral plane, which have penetrated human beings to feed off them and make them disintegrate. They believe that the problem simply stems from chemical elements that stop the psyche from functioning properly. It is true that chemical elements are at play, but these chemical elements are the result, the actualization of the presence of harmful spirits that human beings have themselves attracted. These entities proliferate in the astral world and if human beings open themselves up to them, through their weaknesses and their transgressions, these entities come in and cause a great deal of harm. These facts are very well described in all the holy Scriptures, which explains why initiates believe purity and exercises of purification to be of such importance. However, instead of reading these writings and understanding their profundity in order to then educate people accordingly, medicine looks for chemical products to camouflage the problems created by a disordered life. Why does it not see that by not treating the causes, it sinks people deeper into illness and misery?



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