C'mon now you really think, honestly that some mayan dude just invested like 2oo man hours to painstakingly collect crush, grind and mix pigments, just to depict some...I dunno....just some random crazy thought he cooked up in his own head.
Or was he ''guided'' the same way that musical stars and holly wood script writters of todays modern times are guided through a demonic process of automatic writting.
You have to start beliving in fallen beings with an I.Q of 1040
Not just in church when you go their but when you leave as well.
you need to start understanding that our spiritual enemies are real.
For all we know, this guy might have actually recorded a VERY REAL, VERY FRIGHTTING SPIRITUAL DEMONIC ENCOUNTER,
Or Possible witnessed it happen to someone else, or more probably his Lord or Ruler at that time.
Because every ruler THROUGH OUT HISTORY has ENCOUNTERS with these beings.
C'mon now you straight-up think, honestly dat some mayan dude just invested like 2oo playa hours ta painstakingly collect crush, grind n' mix pigments, just ta depict some...I dunno....just some random crazy-ass thought he cooked up up in his own head.
Or was he ''guided'' tha same stupid-ass way dat musical stars n' holly wood script writtaz of todizzlez modern times is guided all up in a thugged-out demonic procesz of automatic writting.
Yo ass have ta start belivin up in fallen beings wit a I.Q of 1040
Not just up in church when you go they but when you leave as well.
you need ta start understandin dat our spiritual enemies is real.
For all our crazy-ass asses know, dis playa might have muthafuckin recorded a VERY REAL, VERY FRIGHTTING SPIRITUAL DEMONIC ENCOUNTER,
Or Possible witnessed it happen ta some muthafucka else, and mo' probably his Lord and Rula at dat time.
Because every last muthafuckin rula THROUGH OUT HISTORY has ENCOUNTERS wit these beings.
"C'mon now you really think, honestly that some mayan dude just invested like 2oo man hours to painstakingly collect crush, grind and mix pigments, just to depict some...I dunno....just some random crazy thought he cooked up in his own head.
Or was he ''guided'' the same way that musical stars and holly wood script writters of todays modern times are guided through a demonic process of automatic writting."
*someone creates an amazing piece of art, music or literature*
I do wonder about Fred Vogel & Tom Six, though...*bleehhh*
As a skeptic and aspiring screenwriter (<- that's what the profession is called folks), I feel doubly insulted by this.
Believe me man, 200 hours is nothing. Most screenwriters work 3-8 hours a day on script and that for several months. And no, weekends don't really exist for them. So let's say you have to work on one for 3 months each day 3 hours. That would give us: 3h*(3*30d)=270h. And that's just the first draft, before that you have to pitch the damn thing, outline and structure it, than come several rewrites (that can each take you weeks), than you go cast it, film it probably with on-set rewrites locking yourself in a room for 5 hours. Over all it takes about 2-3 years and several thousands hours or work. And let's not even get started on blank page bruiting.
God, I love/hate writing.
"do you really think, honestly that some mayan dude just invested like 2oo man hours to painstakingly collect crush, grind and mix pigments, just to depict some...I dunno....just some random crazy thought he cooked up in his own head."
You fundies waste way more time than that, so a Mayan possibly could too.
This should be on CTSTDT. And no, not even the Maya themselves believe that bullshit. They've told their tradition for generations about their calendar and such as legends. The mesoamerican people looked at life as a cycle and a CIRCLE. When you reach one end you go for another round and so on. Also:
Having just read the original thread I am led to conclude that, given it looks like Otto's first posting and the somewhat humerous mis-spellings he indulges in, we have a Poe. Or in this case, as he's fishing and catching, a troll. A droll troll.
The whole thing is a fun read.
Counting a modern 8 hours workday, 200 man-hours would represent a measly 25 days for a lone worker. And considering that workdays in these days were usually a lot longer and that artists back then used to have apprentices and/or assistants...
If Otto thinks this is something, his mind would be completely blown if he ever learned about the years Michelangelo spent painting a ceiling, or the centuries people spent building cathedrals, all over a crazy story about a magical dead Jew on a stick :P
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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