@Hasan Prishtina
"Many say there were no "good guys" in the wars in former Yugoslavia, that those who wanted freedom could just fight for it (though we wouldn't sell them weapons to actually do any fighting), that these people had hated each other for centuries, that most of the refugees were of military age etc. Look at the way they have damaged the interests of their host countries forever... no, wait.... "
Not even remotely comparable, besides the conflict in Yugoslavia would have never happened without the existence of Yugoslavia. It was an invented country, a communist experiment where they forced many different nationalities to live together within the same borders even though they didn't want to and were only kept together with an iron fist. When that iron fist failed with the fall of communism, all hell broke loose and it split into several countries. Now there's peace.
Yugoslavia is one of the best examples of multicultural failure.
"The occupation authorities in Germany did it after WW2, as have countries all over the world. You haven't said a thing about the effect on countries that have taken in millions more refugees than those in Europe; perhaps if you could use data from those countries to back your claims, you would have a better case."
First of all, you are asking a huge burden on the European countries and the USA. The burden of proof is on you, but apparently you seem to think housing millions of people for free when countries have debt and can't even sustain the programs for their own TAX PAYING citizens is an easy task.
Seocnd of all, in the example you mention, these were European refugees and had a different worldview that Syrian Muslim ones. It's also worth noting that Europeans who for example fled to America during or after WW2 earned their keep. They didn't sit on their ass on welfare. There were no "refugee quotas" anywhere or any of this totalitarian nonsense.
It's not even remotely comparable so any comparison is useless.
Then you mentioned Israel. LOL! Israel only took in Jewish migrants and was specifically founded (or perhaps I should say restored) as a homeland for the Jews. (Nothing wrong with that by the way.) WTF are you talking about? Besides Israel didn't even exist formally until 1948 and that's basically 3 years after the war. These were not war refugees, the conflict was over.
You want an example, okay: Meccan Muslim refugees to Medina during the life of Mohammed. Medina was 100% non-Muslim. The non-Muslims invited them in. Where are they NOW?