[on why God had to have written the Bible]
But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one.
How could people back then have written words with such intellegence? We were not very educated back then, we all know. So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?
Words fail me.
Besides, the Bible's not so crash hot. Riddled with inconsistencies and internal contradictions, rampant plagiarism, boooooring, and at times the equivalent of modern B-movie horror trash (Old Testament) and idiotic new-age wank (New Testament).
If your God wrote it, he's a hack.
How could people back then have written words with such intellegence? We were not very educated back then, we all know....
Someone needs to do a bit of reading in the classical thought section... Aristophenes... Socrates... Plato... any one of dozens of people thousands of years ago were more than smart enough. Pythagoras figured out the basics of physical geometry 5 centuries before Jesus was even a glimmer in the Holy Spirit's eye. And, frankly, Pythagoras is somewhat of a philosophical lightweight compared to others of the times.
"We were not very educated back then"
You aren't very educated right now , Dagger.
If you had read any books other than "My Pet Goat" and ... well, this one, you'd know that the bible is fair to middling at best in terms of its difficulty to read and scope of topics.
There are a lot of other texts from the same era that are much more profound, and more intelligently written. You can actually read many of them online for free. Check out Project Gutenberg, mate. Or visit your local library.
1. People generally wrote with the backdrop [please distinguish this from the fansical tales placed in that backdrop] of what was going on immediately around them. That wasn't true for everyone, but for the most part the writers didn't need to be experts in history or faraway lands.
2. Quite a bit is from other sources. Sayings of wise men, stories passed on and changed for thousands of years; apparently there's even a little Eastern philosophy in the NT. Taking this into consideration, there may be many thousands of "writers" to the Bible, conceiving of and polishing the material long before the book was written.
3. Some writers didn't write with such intelligence. Each has his own personality and human traits clearly visible through the text.
4. People weren't any more dumb than they are now and many were educated.
5. There is no incredible verifiable revelation in the Bible, such as a scientific fact not known at the time. There are, if you read literally, quite a few that are simply wrong. A very human artifact.
You want the absolute truth? People back then had what was called the bicameral (animal) brain. People had just recently developed language, and animal instinct was still very powerful in humans. Just as a deer jumps up and runs at sense of danger, so did humans. BUT, since language was new the people's instinct came to them in the form of a POWERFUL VERBAL COMMAND. Hence, "god" was discovered. There were a select few that were smarter back then who noticed people were gullible and took advantage of them. Thus politics and religion were born! Damn, times haven't changed much I see!
"But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one."
OK, I've thought about it... again. I think that most barely competent, lack-luster hacks could have written the Bible. I'm awfully tired of this lame assertion that is often made in favor of the Bible, that it is "great literature." It is not. Every once in a while there is a Bible passage that is beautiful, but most of the Bible is poorly written crap. Translation after translation appear, but none is a very good read.
"How could people back then have written words with such intellegence?"
Which words would those be? The two equally ridiculous creation stories? The silly Noah's ark saga? The story of "God's" cruel torment of Job? Smashing little children against the rocks? Moses and his pals practicing genocide and saving the female children for their own sexual uses? The whale/fish barfing Jonah onto the beach? Jesus/God creating hell?
"We were not very educated back then, we all know. So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?"
Most of the people of that era were uneducated, but some could write, dipshit.
The general level of education was not as high as it is today, true, but some people were very well educated, and extremely intelligent.
Personally, I enjoy Greek plays and literature, and they totally kick the ass of the Babble.
We were not very educated back then, we all know. So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?
The same sort of people wrote the Gilgamesh epic, parts of which probably were written hundreds of years before the oldest parts of the Bible.
That's exactly why we know the bible's written by people - it's a pack of superstitious, violent, mysogynistic, inaccurate, impossible shit and it provides a clear window into the rubbish they used to think back then.
One day when your education transcends that of some ignorant goat fuckers at the dawn of history, you'll understand. (Maybe you'll even understand that history only covers the last 0.0001% of Earth's existence.)
But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible?
Well, let's see ... I could name half a dozen fantasy series of reasonable length with more internal consistency than the Bible.
Smart enough? Which parts, where he plagerizes, repeats facts, omit facts, or cherry-picks details? Is it the suspension of belief, inconsistant writing, baseless subplots, unanswered questions about various charectors, authors writing about their own deaths, cobbled together prophesies, clashes with reality, ignorance of science and physics? Was it the way god wrote the book so slyly that no one else in the world has knowledge of these minor charectors in world history? Because the scope of the bible is a small percent of the planet? The ignorance of other races? Of dinosaurs?
If you believe the bible to be intelligent, I guess that answers my question. Your sights aren't set very high.
"People back then" not only wrote with intelligence and insight, but they did it without the wealth of readily available information that we have today. The bible was written in pieces by many very human writers. A very human council decided which books would be included as canon.
Please go to the library and check out a copy of Norton's Anthology of Literature or any similar anthology.
Now, don't speak, or type, again until you have read the Classical Greek and Roman selections thoroughly.
Thank you.
You just turned my head inside out, you bastard.
People were uneducated because of lack of money. The rich were educated because they had access to education.
But who are you to speak of intelligence and education? You don't USE yours. You don't have to be all that edumacated to write great novels... and the bible is pretty dry, actually.
''How could people back then have written words with such intellegence? We were not very educated back then, we all know. So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible? '' .... if what you are trying to say here is correct, which it most definitely is not, then you are implying intrinsically that people at that time would be incapable of understanding the bible, or in turn, obeying whatever moronic commands it contains. The expression that goes with what you have just done where i live is ''shooting yourself in the foot''. Idiot.
Well, I'm not one to brag, but I can write fantasy and horror stories pretty well, actually. I'm kind of awesome like that.
In the beginning, God created Man and, eventually, a partner for Man. Adam and Eve, however, were eventually cast out of the Garden of Eden for sinning.
They had two children: Cain and Abel.
Now then, considering the only female human around is Eve, where do we go from here?
God sure works in mysterious ways. I wish he'd have left us a few footnotes to explain the more unusual wankery in the Bible...
But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one.
But think about it, who is daft enough to read the Holy Bible? The answer, you.
But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one.
A bunch of homophobic wife beaters siting in tents in the dessert over 2,000 years ago?
How could people back then have written words with such intellegence?
"Take your son, your only son yes, Isaac, whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)
Oh no, murdering your only chid is *very* intellegent.
We were not very educated back then, we all know
Thats exactly why the bible was written. Men didnt know where life came from so they told stories of a god.
So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?
With ink and parchment paper.
"How could people back then have written words with such intellegence?"
What, you mean like all the "begat" stuff in Genesis? You could have gotten a trained monkey to write that.
>But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one.
Which is why it shouldn't have been made.
We weren't banging fuckin' rocks together and hiding from bright lights...before we wrote your good book,we were building societies that lasted so long as to leave traces today. See perhaps Pyramids in either Egypt or Central America for an example you can still view today.
Or did God zap those into existence as well?
"We" refers to who in your case? Unless you're Jewish, I doubt you're talking about anyone in the area of Judah. "We" for me is various people scattered about Bronze Age Europe... meanwhile, the Greeks, Egyptians, Akkadians, Chinese, Persians, and some of the ancient American peoples were doing some pretty incredible things.
People apparently are not very educated these days either.
The old Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians and Sumerians were highly educated, but the Christians made people dumb by neglecting them information.
I think he answers his own question.
"People were really dumb back then, so they wouldn't be intelligent enough to come up with valid explanations for everything around them...Then why would they create a fictional being that can answer everything for them, without evidence or logic? Oh wait..."
Open mouth, insert foot.
"How could people back then have written words with such intellegence? "
The Bible ain't that hot. The whole thing could easily be translated into caveman grunts.
"*Points to gays* *Points to penis* *Points to rock* *SMASHES ROCK* *Point thus made*
And if you are incapable of comprehending the underlying metaphor, well, you're not very good at grunting, ARE YOU?"
Ever heard of the Romans or the Greeks? They were all "not very educated", while managing to invent things like the camera and geometry, were they?
And anyway, I think that a retarded hamster would have been able to come up with "Let there be light...and there was light"
"So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?"
It's simple: ink, parchment, and a fuckload of acid.
I woke up and said to ye, "I am hungry." And so I did make toast and I did consume it and it was good. So I declared, "This toast is good."
But then came the time when I tired of my toast and was no longer hungry. And so I did throw away my toast which I had enjoyed so much and I did take out the trash and I did forget about my toast.
And then came the day where I would make more toast. And I said to ye, "This toast is very good."
Bible language sounds pretty retarded, to me.
The incredible irony is that modern fictional stories like Final Fantasy are about the only place where religious references are intelligent or have any sort of continuity.
"how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?"
They copied from the Babylonians, Persians, and others for whatever they could shoehorn into their stupid little superstitions.
But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one.
Right. None of those people were smart at all.
It is simplicity itself to write a book of random rambling that are not even cross-referenced.
If you list the contradictions alone, it would make Encyclopedia Brittanica look like an index.
When the bible was finally concocted in 325AD, in a vain attempt to stop the Roman empire collapsing, over 80 books were deliberately omitted as they contradicted the foundation of christianity itself.
Fortunately some of them survived the purge and others locked away in the Vatican vaults.
The Church does not WANT you to be educated except in thier dogma, and the bible in its present form is designed to do exactly that.
You obviously haven't read the latest reviews of the Bible. Critics are bashing it's plot inconsistencies, muddy moral lessons, and constantly changing characters. Really shoddy writing, honestly.
As it reads like the word of ancient ignorant goat herders, it doesn't look like the Word of the Creator of the Worlds, who ought to know the physics of every minute detail in the Universe. Like, for example, Pi does not equal 3 precisely.
By the time the books of the Bible had been written, jammed together and wrapped up in a shiny cover 'people back then' had populated almost the entire planet, learnt to control fire, invented agriculture, the wheel and waterproof concrete, plotted the stars in the sky and discovered the secret of working metals. What have you managed to do ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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