These clowns will do anything to convince themselves that Jesus was something he wasn't. They know the real Jesus is a complete 180 from the Wingnut/GOPer/Nazi/Fascist/Inquisition/Malleus Maleficarum/Genocide/Slavery crowd, so they re-imagine him as Chuck Norris on Steroids.
And long hair doesn't make a guy less macho & tough. Even the heavily-dolled-up and girly-looking 80's Glam Metal types tended to be a bunch of rowdy, macho, sexist, testosterone-poisoned, homophobic pigs (sometimes, androgyny is only skin-deep. Just ask Hair Metal guys or Prince. Androgyny is awesome but the inside MUST match the outside).
Tommy Wiseau has amazing, flowing tresses....and he has loads of issues with women. Just watch The Room or The Neighbors (granted, he also looks like Grima Wormtoungue or a Neanderthal Vampire...)!
Then there's big hair biker dudes....or the late Lemmy....or Conan The Barbarian....OR FREAKIN' SAMSON FROM THE BIBLE!
I'd love to know; How does "Violent Christianity" even exist? Why do guys like D.J. Stupid, The Puritans, The Medieval/Renassance-Era Catholic Church, The "Religious Right" manage to exist? I've READ the Nazarene Testament and....quite frankly....these guys have more in common with the Hebrew Testament and the Medina-Quran. Out of all the Abrahamic Scriptures and Faiths, it's ironically, the most peaceful one that is the source of centuries of horror!
Sure, the N.T. has it's moments....but it's mostly admonitions to avoid hellfire or weird bad-acid-trip-freakout symbolism.
With the exception of the Haredis, Hebrew Testament people are even more Nazarene Testament than the Nazarene Testament people!
Yeshua Bar Yosef....aka "Jesus"....whenever he existed in some capacity or not....has had THE WORST "Misaimed Fandom" in the history of the world! It's like The KKK running the NAACP....or hippie defense contractors....or vegan carnivores....It's STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!
I think the problem is that they take the Hebrew Testament at face value and equate Jesus with the H.T. deity. If the H.T. was fine with wars, genocide and being an authoritarian jerk, then Jesus must be, too. Ironically, these same people tend to have anti-Semites in their ranks. Go figure!
The H.T. & N.T. should be completely separate. Jews understand HOW to interpret their scriptures better and have a whole tradition of scholarship, folklore, midrash, etc. that explains away the brutal parts. Hebrew scriptures should not be in the hands of Gentile people without the full Jewish understanding of what the H.T. is REALLY saying!
Finally; The concept of the Demiurge must become mainstream and used to separate the wheat from the chaff concerning ALL the world's scriptures. That way, a believer can be free to reject stupid, bigoted, brutal passages and not have to butcher said scriptures to death.