Church Slave #conspiracy

Hi Crook.
The fact is, Obama is hiding something--Something big. He still refuses to release his original birth certificate to the American people.
Who is Obama's real father?
Obama Sr.? Not likely-there is no resemblance
Dunham Sr? Probably not
Malcom X? Well obama could easily pass for him. Who knows?

Why would it matter if Malcom X is Obama's father? He was a radical and sworn enemy of the US government and he supported the killing of all white people.
Did you know?
Obama's career began in the living room of a known terrorist?
You mention that Obama passed his LSATs and was accepted at Harvard Law school but you don't mention how hard it is to get in and HOW he actually got in. Doors were opened and Obama's education was funded by a Muslim Billionaire.

IF OBama makes it to the white house it will be payback time to this Muslim Billionaire but in what form? Middle East foreign policy? National security consessions? Secrets?
How will Obama have to pay off his depts?
Let's hope there is a legal challenge yet to surface to keep our nation from having to find out how this guy will sell us out.

Ad Obama scandals surface and begin to stack up even you hardcore Obama zonbies will have to come to the conclusion you were fooled by this guy.
The truth will surface about this guy,
its just a matter of time.

Look at how worried he is.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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