Irrelevent discussion here -- This is not of zoology, but race. Generally speaking God created the animals after their own kind with increasing levels of refinement, and the Negro is most certainly a higher form of the ape category.
Actually it has everything to do with zoology. We are an animal and are subject to the same rules... And you pulled out some crap about nobility and you picked one of the least noble of cats. For some obscure reason "lions" became a royal animal because people did not know of their habits. The Negro is homo sapien. Genetically. 100%...
This has been mentioned already. "Firstly, a Mulatto cannot have an organ transplant; his system rejects it, showing that he is a cross between two species."
That is not evidence. Because I have evidence from south america. Brazil where most of the black people are mullattos and their transplants seem to work. Must be an ENTIRE COUNTRY OF LIARS. And repeat experiments seem to confirm this. I do not know what "science" you are using but it does not work at all.
You show yourself ignorant of the facts! There are a great variety of hybrids. Some hybrids produce sterile offspring, while other hybrids -- such as the Goat and Ewe - the Goldfinch and Canary bird - when bred together, propagate perfectly. They share characteristics from both parents, but are weak and susceptible to disease.
Goddamnit man! I am a freaking Geneticist. Hybridisation is a known thing in animals. There is a genetic reason for this. If they have evolved from the same close ancestor they can produce non sterile offspring. When they do produce offspring they are sterile offspring but are superior to the sum of their counterparts.
We see this in the majority of the "African American" society in America. Most of them are short lived and very prone to countless numbers of diseases. Look these statistics up yourself. They also share characteristics from both parent races (for example -- the average IQ of the sub saharan Negro is 60. The average IQ of a white is 100. The average IQ of a mulatto is between 80 and 90. Mulattoes share various physiological characteristics with their parent races, proving them to be a hybrid).
No its not. I have "sub saharan" kids in uni here. They are the smarter kids. They are Medical Students. They cannot have an IQ lower than 107 in any case... Did you even read the IQ point I made?
Which is sterile and superior to both sheep and goats... It grows faster is tougher but is sterile.
Which is a chimera made by the fusing of two eggs. Not a natural species. Its made in a lab.
Its sterile. And again superior to the sum of its parents. In any case if you crossed it with another one you would get a combination of offspring which are goldfinches, crosses and canaries.
As for architecture.
This is Djenne in Mali. Pretty neat eh?
And may I point out it took nearly 2000 years for white people to realise the benefits of boiling water and showers.
Check your facts. Most evolutionists believe the Bushmen are the ancestors of the Caucasian race; either way it is patently false.
They are our ancestors. We were the last large outflux of people. The bushmen have similar characteristics to the chinese. And the caucasian race is a misnomer since arabs are caucasian and so are norwegians.
Both your pictures show typical Negro features, with broad, flat noses and ape-like characteristics.
And blue eyes?
You can make excuses for IQ all you wish -- the facts remain.
I would call shennanigans on account of it not being "true". He is just as big a dick as you are and just as incorrect.
Read the first part of this, which studies the effects of IQ and the averages amongst Africans. Fascinating statistics.
Haha... He quotes stuff from the 1960s. Oh wait let me laugh even harder... His sources are all disproved. Goddamnit man, in the 60s they were still discovering how DNA works. The science of genetics moves so freaking fast. Since I have not read my journals for the week, I am technically out of date until they arrive tomorrow. We know the maximum difference between IQs is 8 to 12 points between medians. And remember Those with the high end of IQs suffer from stupid crazy diseases because they are so inbred. It makes no difference to your IQ if you start dying out. Look at the Farsis of India. High IQs, but dying out spectacularly.
To expand upon your Dravidian claim -- It is a matter of fact that the white phenotypes found within Dravidians are due to the original aryan conquest of the regions in which they dwell - India, Pakistan, Iran and so on. More on that here.
Apart from the Dravidans of South India who were never conquered by the Aryans since they were a more war like group of people. You know. People like the tamils who are not White... The oddity of India is that its the Dravidans who are more intelligent than their "aryan" counterparts. The kids you see dying in India, are not in the south of India. We have technology and stuff like free internet and awesome architecture.
If any Dravidian should consider himself attractive, he must thank God for the white blood that flows within his veins.
You moron... Your website has dravidans in there as "evidence of white people in India". As pointed out. The India migration event probably gave the world white people since dravidans are born white. We tan because I know what happens white guys under the sun. You guys burn and die. We turn black. Aishwaria Rai is from Mangalore... Her family have lived there for ever. Its in the south of India... Its Dravidan... So the most beautiful woman in India is dravidan. AS I pointed out. We tan under the sun. If you took that "black" child I posted.and gave him a job indoors that kept him out of the sun he would lose his tan. I for example currently look portugese. When the sun comes out I will take on a darker tan. At this point I am actually fairer than many north Indian aryans because I am a med student and spend all my time indoors in a cold country while wrapped up...
Here again you show your ignorance! The actual the IQ of the asiatic Mongoloid (which is only high in those intelligent enough to find their way to America it is extremely low among those in their homeland) says nothing about morals, compassion for other human beings or cleanliness.
The Nazis were white. So were the Russians. So was Slobodan Milosevic. One may point out Black people have no History of Genocide.
In their homeland of Asia, particularly in the case of the darker Philippines and Vietnamese, the yellow men have no respect for human life. It is a brutal culture.
Really? Its the chinese who have no respect for human life. Not the Vietnamese. Oh and the Phillipines are fucked up because of american catholic intervention in their country and a prime reason for the separation of church and state.
Only the lighter skinned Chinese are capable of intelligent thought, though even this is lacking; that the “economy” of China is catching up with America is often proudly stated, pushing back the fact that China has ONE BILLION PEOPLE with which to disperse on cruel sweatshops and manual labour! Any reasonable man knows that a nation of one billion whites would demolish China in every respect. The fact America, with its 300 million population and great internal problems is still able to remain ahead of China - for the time being - is a testament to Aryan ingenuity.
*cough* Japan *cough* Moron... And remember, India and China are on the same growth scale. We do not use the sweat shop culture. Not unless you want massive fines. Oh and most of Indian heavy goods are manufactured in the south. And actually China's production ability is growing as its population falls. More people does not mean more production. Thats video game logic.
More excuses.
Discover of structure of DNA was Rosalind Franklin. Gandhi is the greatest peacemaker in the History of the world. Even Jesus's Godlike powers quails in front of a man who can tell millions of people to stop rioting and have them listen
You do realize Ghandi was, by your definition, "racist?" He hated both blacks and whites. Read up on it.
He was a product of English Education. And he hated white people because of what they did. The british killed innocent people. 4 million of them during the famine of bengal and incidents such as the Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre. And his hatred was different. He hated what they did not who they were.
It doesn't take an intellectual mind to win a Nobel "peace" prize. It is a sham anyway -- reminds me of the laughable fact Henry Kissinger won one.
Its a peace prize. I agree the man should not get one because he let a genocide happen when General Zhia Hindus and Intellectuals in response to the liberation of Bangladesh while arming the man. He provided US support to a genocidal dictator. One may argue this is not the behaviour of Nobel Peace prize winner.
Wrong. The Aborigines have an average IQ of around 60, while the Ashkenazi Jews have an IQ of around 115. Once again, go here for information on IQ and read up on this.
David Duke with his 60 year old information? An IQ of 60 means you cannot feed yourself. The aborigines live in the outback... A place that is inhospitable. So inhospitable that wood is a rare resource. A testament to their ingenuity to make functioning weapons out of sticks and survive in an inhospitable climate. White people die out there. Yet they thrived.
Definitely. We see a mass of aborigines inventions in all forms of life. Great aboriginal mathematicians, scientists and philosophers in abundance!
May I point out that they considered the world round and to rotate around the sun. You do realise the west had a crazy period where they never considered another cultures achievements. Hence those idiot spaniards destroying mayan solar instruments which plotted the world's age in centuries and hell plotted star movements because they did not understand how they worked. Just like the reason why you do not know any inventors from India such as Sushuratha (Arguably the Father of Surgery) or Aryabhatta (first solar centric theory written down) or the chinese inventors or the inventor of steel. Not all inventors write down their inventions.
They can still breed together on occasion. Even a Mule has given birth in the past. The fact these hybrids are so poorly attested shows the genetic difference between them; and we see a similarity in this when the Black and White races cross with each other.
Yet no one has seen one except you. Give us proof of such a breed.
A white baby stands a 70% better chance of reaching its fourth birthday than a black child. And the average life expectancy of African Americans is 70.3 years, much less than the 76 years that white Americans can expect.
Read your whole goddamn article... It goes into the economic despondancy of Africans due to the inherrant racism in the system.
The life-spans of both races have lengthened over the decades, but the gap between white and black has remained stubbornly wide, and it increased sharply during the Reagan years, when many social programs that helped minorities were slashed. The gap has since begun to narrow, but it is just as large now as it was in 1982. This lack of progress has become one of the most studied issues of public health and one of the greatest challenges facing government policymakers. Why are blacks dying so much younger than whites?"
1. They are poor. Poor people tend to not be healthy because they can only afford. Hence trailer park white people have just as bad a health care status.
2. They are poor so their food habits are poor. Since crap food is cheap in the US.
3. Their education is poor because the US education system is shambolic at its best. And dire at its best.
4. The lack of socialist medicine in the US leaves people in the US who do not have money with inferior care.
5. You need money to make money. Affirmative action does less to help than say an education system that was based on ability rather than money providing these people an opportunity to achieve.
African Americans are hybrids.
1. They produce healthy offspring
2. White people in parts of the balkans such as Moldova live in such conditions also have poor life expectancies due to poor health care.
3. They are genetically exactly similar to white people. Except for a preponderance to Sickle Cell Anaemia. White people are more likely to get Cystic Fibrosis...
4. You have no proof otherwise while I have crazy good medicine!