And you were doing so well, Davey-boy; I'd almost thought you'd come to your senses and were finally doing a Jonathan Edwards and realising that it's all just a load of BS, until that last sentence, then...
...oh dear.
Still, if a long-time Christian like him can see sense then there's hope, eh? Oh, and consider this: As a long-time Christian, and thus those four magic letters 'OSAS', he's saved: even after his recanting of his beliefs and becoming an Atheist.
All Jews are going to heaven too, regardless of being religious or not, via Romans 11:26-32. Oh, teh irony, eh? Those who don't acknowledge your J-boy as their 'Messiah' will bypass that cornerstone of your doctrine - John 14:6, thus destroying such - and all down to their Disobedience.
Well, y'know what else is Disobedience too? Homosexuality & Atheism. So, like those Jesus-bypassing Jews, I'm afraid that - like them - we're going our way to heaven, and there's not one fucking thing your 'God' can do about it, never mind you & your 'Turn or Burn' ilk, Davey-boy.
No 'Salvation' required. Like Jonathan Edwards, we're Saved. And like him, we Atheists can have our 'Salvation' cake and still eat it as nonbelievers.
Well, that makes God the ultimate bitch of all then, because it's our figuring out the 'Mystery' of the Bible, therefore the Creation are superior to the 'Creator' [/Judges 1:19, Tanks], and it's you & 'God' who's going to Hell. >:D
We've got it all figured out. Bark like a bitch, Goddy-boy!