ok time for a quick biology lesson for the kiddie fiddling DJS
Certainly, all of evolution's teachings are farfetched
no dave far fetched is having a talking snake, and 2 people populate the entire earth
the neck of a giraffe grew longer and longer over millions of years in order to obtain food from the tops of trees.
this is a myth that was debunked in the 60's, it has now been theorized that the neck ended up like that in order to compete for females, in a process called "necking".Giraffes fight over females by swinging their necks and heads like a medieval ball and chain. The longer and heavier the neck, the more momentum behind the often bone-shattering head slams.
how did giraffes survive for millions of years before they were able to reach the food?
well they did not always have a long neck, and as herbivores im sure there was pleanty of tasty plants for them to munch on
Did they climb trees?
The teachings of evolution are so retarded. One would have to struggle to believe such nonsense in view of reality.
despite the fact that you beleive a superbeing which has apparently always existed just got bored one day, realised how it sucked not to be worshipped, decided to create not just the universe from nothing, but all the diversity in nature seen today out of clay (which is infact made of aluminium, silicon and oxygen,and is actually inorganic as its not carbon based, but i digress)
wheras the teachings of evolution is founded in proper scientific study and scruitiny, having literally tons of evidence for its occourence.
how does this guy manage to breathe and walk at the same time with such a small brain.....
mind you the Stegosaurus managed it so i suppose anything is possible!