Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist
They can do no wrong.
They’re here to protect us against ‘nazis’ in our midst.
I’m talking about Antifa, and the media just loves them.
Whether it’s CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC—all Jewish-owned—they marched in lockstep when covering Charlottesville.
Condemned as ‘white supremacists’ were those opposing the removal of Robert E Lee’s statue.
Praised as ‘warriors against racism’ were the Antifa thugs clubbing and beating the protestors who stand on the First Amendment.
Yet, Antifa is obviously a terrorist organization that denounces those who they disagree with as ‘nazis and fascists.’
Antifa ‘politics’ is to stop the mouths of everyone they hate–which is everyone who isn’t Antifa.
Sound familiar? Sounds like the Jewish narrative that just can’t be questioned.
And the Jewish-owned MSM loves Antifa’s street violence because their cause is ‘just.’
Not sure George Soros—born “Gyorgy Schwartz”—would agree with that, who’s rumored to be funding both Antifa and Neo-Nazis alike.
Don’t think his cause is really about ‘justice’—but about ‘chaos’ so as to rip society apart and reshape it into an amoral cast indifferent to right and wrong.
Just look at the ‘Newspeak.’
If your politics tilt to the conservative right you’re a ‘racist.’
If to the left you’re ‘fair-minded.’
If your outlook leans right you’re with the KKK—.leans left you’re with that oh-so peace-loving SPLC.
But not a peep out of them about Antifa’s violence fueled by hate but hailed as ’social justice warriors.’
All kinds of Christian groups are on its Hate Map simply because they either peacefully oppose the sin of homosexuality or simply don’t endorse it.
But the violent Antifa, or any group like it, is absent from its map.
Same reason the Jewish-owned media loves Antifa.
The destruction of Christian morality and consciousness is in the agenda of Jewry.
Destroy the symbols, standards, AND heroes of the Confederacy—(that is, a ‘White Christian Political Bloc’ that Jewry fears), and the Jews rule in the midst of fragmentation and instigated rivalry.