While some ACLU-loving liberal homosexual-loving God-hating Americans suggest that Israel is becoming to aggresive, I say they need to keep the heat on all the God-hating Islamist in the Middle East and throughtout the His kingdom.
This is their destiny - to be rightiously wiped from the face of earth in His name and make way for the Rapture!
"God-hating Islamist" - Yup, that jumped out at me too.
Of course, as you know, Fundies have the only TRUE religion, all others are false, God-Hating, and atheistic religions (according to their own definition of what the word “Atheist” means).
"While some ACLU-loving
The ACLU represents anyone who is having their constitutional rights abridged by the majority. Specifically they work to protect:
Your First Amendment rights-freedom of speech, association and assembly. Freedom of the press, and freedom of religion supported by the strict separation of church and state.
Your right to equal protection under the law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin.
Your right to due process - fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.
Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.
Notice all the “yours” in there. Yes YOUR rights, even the rights of fundie morons. The ACLU has only been labeled as a tool of the liberal left in recent years when the Republican majority in Washington has systematically been stomping on the constitutional rights of everyone and anyone who does not march in lock-step with their agenda. Those people who NEED protection right now tend to be the opposition to the conservative right. If the liberals were violating the constitutional rights of conservatives, the ACLU would defend them, since the ACLU has no political bias, except a bias towards constitutional liberty. Don’t blame the ACLU that Bush thinks the constitution is merely a “guideline.”
liberal homosexual-loving God-hating Americans
I call ad honimem. Show me a direct connection between being accepting of homosexuals or anti-religion and being anti-Israel. Until you can show such a correlation, you need to stop making wild claims and attacking the people rather than the idea.
suggest that Israel is becoming [too aggressive],
There is no “suggestion” about it. But Israel isn’t becoming aggressive, the nation has pretty much always been aggressive. And you can’t blame them for that. They exist in the middle of a nearly impossibly dangerous geopolitical situation, if they weren’t aggressive, they would have been wiped out back in 1948 most likely. Israel aggressively invaded Lebanon. That’s totally understandable. If aspects of the Canadian government started lobbing missiles into Ohio, I would support an invasion of the Great White North without qualm. Yes, Israel is being aggressive, but they are being aggressive in response to an actual attack on their citizens. If you want to criticize someone for being aggressive, how about the USA? After all, it turns out that Saddam was about as much threat to us as Jamaica. I don’t know of any “homosexual-loving God-hating Americans” that condemn Israel for it’s actions, merely question the wisdom of the level of the response.
I say they need to keep the heat on all the God-hating Islamist in the Middle East and [throughout] His kingdom.
Most Muslims have a very strong, steady faith in god. More so, I would venture, then the majority of Christians. But I suspect you mean than anyone who is not your specific brand of Christianity hates god, because obviously you are in possession of absolute truth. It must be wonderful to be so absolutely certain of things that are essentially unknowable.
This is their destiny - to be [righteously] wiped from the face of earth in His name and make way for the Rapture!"
Show me where in the Bible it says the Jews are destined to be “wiped from the face of the Earth” to make way for the rapture. How exactly is the presence of the Jews preventing the rapture from occurring? Does god not want them to see the rapture? If god hates them so much, you’d think he would want them to see the faithful be swept up with Jesus to rub it in a bit before casting them into the pits of hell. And that’s a hell of a strange way to support Israel, to cheer them on so they all get killed and make way for your crazy magical mystery tour. I’m sure the Hezbollah, Iran, Al Qaeda, the PLO, and a dozen other terrorist nations and organizations totally agree with your sentiments.
Sandman -- True. These jackasses never seem to understand that the ACLU, as well as standing up for Godless liberals, defends their right to spew mindless, conservative twaddle.
Actually, I'm reading this as being in support of the Jews, and hating Muslims. "I say they need to keep the heat on all the God-hating Islamist in the Middle East and throughtout the His kingdom. This is their destiny - to be rightiously wiped from the face of earth in His name and make way for the Rapture!" The 'their' in "their destiny" seems to be refering to the last subject, the Muslims and the Middle East.
Of course, no matter which way you read it, this guy is still an asshole.
I believe that Israel has a right to defend itself, but bombing highways, airports, television stations and causing 10-20 times the casualties is a really, really great way to make sure terrorist attacks continue.
Or is that what they want?
<<< and causing 10-20 times the casualties >>>
Is it their fault that Hezbollah brought a knife to a gunfight (one which they started, for that matter)?
I won't say I agree with everything Israel has done. I think they do have a tendency to overreact at times. But so long as Hezbollah's stated goal is to wipe out Israel, I'm willing to cut the Israelis a little slack in dealing with them. And you can blame a good chunk of the Lebanese casualties on Hezbollah hiding out in civilian neighborhoods, launching rockets from someone's back yard.
@Dante's Virgil
I thought the rapture was supposed to happen BEFORE all that destruction? Or is it during the middle of it? Why can't they keep their fundy stories straight??
The easiest way to catch someone in a lie is to come in from another angle and wait for the contradictions. And when it's one massive game of telephones and most people aren't aware of 99.99% of what has preceded and just start making things up to suit themselves, well the contradictions appear in their thousands.
I believe that Israel has a right to defend itself, but bombing highways, airports, television stations and causing 10-20 times the casualties is a really, really great way to make sure terrorist attacks continue.
I think they got the idea from the way the U.S. conducted the Gulf War.
Of course, "strategic bombing" has a proud (*cough*) and noble (*cough*) history going back to World War II.
Yeah! 'Support Israel'...:
"This is their destiny - to be rightiously wiped from the face of earth in His name and make way for the Rapture!"
...until your precious J-boy 'returns', then it's simply a case of 'Fuck the Jews!'
Honesty. So refreshing in a fundie. [/hyper-sarcasm] After all, not so many years ago, your average right-wing Fundamental ist Christain would - without fail - upon hearing the words 'Israel/Jew/Jewish', would reply/spit venomously 'Christ-Killers!'
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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