
Alberto Trippe #fundie ruraptureready.blogspot.com

While some ACLU-loving liberal homosexual-loving God-hating Americans suggest that Israel is becoming to aggresive, I say they need to keep the heat on all the God-hating Islamist in the Middle East and throughtout the His kingdom.

This is their destiny - to be rightiously wiped from the face of earth in His name and make way for the Rapture!

Alberto Trippe #fundie ruraptureready.blogspot.com

Over the last several days a few ill-advised retired Army ooficers have had the nerve to call for the resignation of Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld.

They are misguided - Just like Judas was in his betrayal of our Saviour, Jesus Christ...

Our Lord sent George W. Bush to help bring salvation and the rapture to the sinners of the world. These mis-informed men have beein listening to the devil and will burn in hell for betraying God and his messenger on earth, George W. Bush.

Alberto Trippe #fundie ruraptureready.blogspot.com

This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush, reject the ACLU and pro-homosexual agenda. I want to prepare you liberals for conversion and for the coming Rapture. R U Rapture Ready? You better be or you will be left behind.