Congresscunt Giffords will probably survive being shot in the head, according to medical reports currently available. She will likely suffer some life long brain damage from the injury to her brain, but when the victim is a leftist feminist female, how can you tell? Her husband is a NASA astronaut. She should have been home taking care of her husband's house and family instead of risking her life promoting radical socialist causes and amnesty for illegal aliens. The proper place for females is in the private sphere of house, home, and family. The proper place for females is not in the public sphere of politics. If she lives, the Governor of Arizona will not be able to appoint a man to replace her in Congress. Another tragedy. Maybe she will retire.
There just aren't words to describe the disgust I feel after reading this stinking pile of mysogyny. The rest of his site is just as bad if not worse.
Time to go look at Astronomy Picture of the Day for a while, just to TRY to cleanse the foaming offal from my soul.
Bob Allen, I'd like to commemorate Esther H. Morris. She was the first female judge in US history, appointed in 1870. Often called the "Mother of US suffrage".
Her husband John was not very supportive of her job. Like you, he didn't want women in official positions. He even made her a scene in court, yelling nonsense like "a woman's place is in the house!" and similiar blabber.
Her reaction? She simply had him jailed, for showing disrespect of the court ;-)
Feel that Christian Love!
You wouldn't know a radical socialist cause if it came up and presented itself to you. No politician who wants to continue working in politics in the US promotes radical socialist ideas.
If her mental faculties are damaged she will probably not be able to work in politics anymore (although some politicians make it seem like a bit of brain damage is required to be in politics).
The tragedy here is that a deluded religious fundamentalists thought it was a good idea to kill and maim people.
@ Anon. Esther Morris sounds like a fabulous, formidable woman.
So, you presume to be a man? Well, you might be a male, possibly, but not of this species, ie. humanity. if you were a lot more intelligent, I'd say that there may have been a very slim chance of you being some sort of baboon like mutation.
Perhaps you have an unconscious urge to pass on your genes, although I strongly encourage you to resist any effort to do so, at least with a human female. Who knows what the outcome of a human woman mating with an indistinct and undistinguished shambling mutant thing would be? Possibly, your mother is the only one who does know?
First you suggest that rapists should be rewarded instead of punished, and now you make fun of the victim of a psychotic rampage? Bob Allen, you are officially a worse person than Christian Weston Chandler. We have gone over this; a person's intelligence and capability has nothing whatsoever to do with sex or gender. Please go die in a fire, slowly, while being read the list of things achieved by women in the fields of science, politics, and other such advancements.
Any man who would be such a sexist asshole like this is less of a man than Justin Bieber. Real men treat their fellow human beings with respect, dammit!
What... the... fuck?
Anyone else think that Bob here is totally unable to get laid? I think a psychologist could make a career out of diagnosing him. Sounds like a lot of mysogynistic rage lurking just below the surface.
And I never thought I'd see assassination apologists or anyone siding with that lunatic who shot her.
Wow,feel the hate.
Makes Stormfront seem like a vicarage tea-party.
Earlier on in the blog he accuses a rival (liberal)
Blog of being hate-filled and advocating violence.
Why is he being discussed on FSTDT at all.
He makes no pretence at being Christian at all.
Elsewhere he talks about celebrating the winter solstice.
He is clearly a deranged Nazi and nothing more than that.Either that.or a fool trying to be as offensive as possible.
Bob, you ignorant slut; U.S. House members are NOT appointed, you flaming douche.
You fail U.S. government and, well, everything else involving the firing of neurons forever.
Wow,feel the hate.
Makes Stormfront seem like a vicarage tea-party.
Earlier on in the blog he accuses a rival (liberal)
Blog of being hate-filled and advocating violence.
Why is he being discussed on FSTDT at all.
He makes no pretence at being Christian at all.
Elsewhere he talks about celebrating the winter solstice.
He is clearly a deranged Nazi and nothing more than that.Either that.or a fool trying to be as offensive as possible.
Wow,feel the hate.
Makes Stormfront seem like a vicarage tea-party.
Earlier on in the blog he accuses a rival (liberal)
Blog of being hate-filled and advocating violence.
Why is he being discussed on FSTDT at all.
He makes no pretence at being Christian at all.
Elsewhere he talks about celebrating the winter solstice.
He is clearly a deranged Nazi and nothing more than that.Either that.or a fool trying to be as offensive as possible.
Wow,feel the hate.
Makes Stormfront seem like a vicarage tea-party.
Earlier on in the blog he accuses a rival (liberal)
Blog of being hate-filled and advocating violence.
Why is he being discussed on FSTDT at all?
He makes no pretence at being Christian at all.
Elsewhere he talks about celebrating the winter solstice.
He is clearly a deranged Nazi and nothing more than that.Either that or a fool deliberately trying to be as offensive as possible.
Wow,feel the hate.
Makes Stormfront seem like a vicarage tea-party.
Earlier on in the blog he accuses a rival (liberal)
Blog of being hate-filled and advocating violence.
Why is he being discussed on FSTDT at all?
He makes no pretence at being Christian at all.
Elsewhere he talks about celebrating the winter solstice.
He is clearly a deranged Nazi and nothing more than that.Either that or a fool deliberately trying to be as offensive as possible.
"The proper place for females is in the private sphere of house, home, and family. The proper place for females is not in the public sphere of politics"
And yet the likes of Angela Merkel, Julia Gillard, and Hillary Clinton continue to prove you wrong.
The only possible way you can prove me wrong, is to go to Germany, Australia and the White House respectively, armed to the teeth.
Good luck with that, Bob. Especially the security at the airports in those countries, and all those Secret Servicemen at Obama's residence.
"He is clearly a deranged Nazi"
And thus, by definition, an inferior subhuman.
Y'know, I wonder what wouls happen if I wrote a rant on a NeoCon Congressman on this turkey's blog?
"Congresscock So-and-So....."
Nah, he'll label me a big pink animal with a cute curly tail that loves mud & tastes great with KC Masterpiece, no thanks.
Well I guess this means the shock has worn off, back to slandering her instead of praying she survives.
Yet another reason I despise evangicals, pray to make themselves look good, then kick their victim while they're down
You are a horrible person and I hope you realize that soon and change your ways.
I would not wish violence upon you, because that would be wrong.
Poor Bob. I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such an asshole. He's so jealous of women and so insecure that he has turned his insecurity into rage and hatred for the thing he wishes to be.
We all know he's going to die alone, unmourned and probably in pain (if he treats the nurses in his nursing home badly they'll be a slow giving him pain relief). Let's just hope his death is lingering so he has an opportunity to reflect on what a horrible person he is.
Interesting, isn't it Bob, that although women aren't "supposed" to be doing anything beyond serving men, millions of them are happy to be free and highly successful while you, a "real man," are still a cellar-dwelling loser gnawed by bitterness and failure.
Why is that?
amnesty for illegal aliens
Uhm... she spoke glowingly of the Good Hunting bill (Arizona SB1070), calling it "clear calling that the federal government needs to do a better job." She praised the expenditure of funds to put National Guard troops on the boarder. She spent $600 million on "border surveillance technology" and was disappointed that she couldn't spend more like a billion.
So, your statement that she supports amnesty is not just provably wrong, but provably stupid.
You Bobbin, are a fucking traitor. We live in the land of the "free" supposedly. Humans have the right to a career or as a home-maker if they choose to.
My mother, for example, chose to be a home-maker after working for a few decades; it just worked for her situation. It's ok to choose this, but to be forced and told you're not capable of anything else is asinine at best.
So fuck off and die, mother fucker. And keep telling yourself you don't miss vagina very much.
I don't think they make atomic bombs strong enough to nuke the stupid out of you.
If stupid was liquid, this moron would flood the world.
You could fill the valles marineris twice with this guy's stupid.
There is a severe discrepancy between people and stupidity. This guy alone is stupid for 12000 people.
If stupid could be converted into food, this guy's stupid alone could feed the entire world for 10,000 years and have several people die of obesity at it.
There simply aren't words to describe this kind of stupid... so I invented one: Glerbleshnerbl!
This guy makes turds look like Ph.D's.
Oh nice. The woman got shot and you're insulting her and making jokes about her intelligence. Also, being an astronaut is risking your life. Being a congressperson is not. The blame is not on her, but on the asshole who shot her.
And behold, this woman, who had exalted herself above the priests and the scribes was greeted by Jesus in the city before the temple. And He spake unto her before all the people and saith: 'Veriy thou art a great sinner. Behold thine husband sitteth in the kitchen of thine abode. And lo, his belly growleth with hunger for lack of food which thou neglectest to prepare and serve unto him upon bended knee, as is most fitting.' And Jesus, upon this, grew wondrously wroth and did call her an harlot and a woman of exceeding great sin. And behold, he reacheth into the fold of his garment and pulleth out a weapon of divine justice, and according to the Holy Law of his Heavenly Father He did smite her grievously. But the power of the Unholy one did seek to preserve her and she was killéd not. Neither was she killed, for the Divine weapon did but wound and scar her in such a way that she hath passed all healing but will remain scarred by the wrath of Jesus. and this shall be as a sign to all.
And then did Jesus appoint as prophet and might interpretor of his words and deeds a scribe of the Order of Bullshittery naméd Boob Allah for that he hoppeth up and down in his gait and bangeth his forhead upon the stones of the ground. And the Holy Spirit did inspire Boob to speak to the multitude and to invoke upon the harlot an holy injury of life-enduring pain and incapacity, yea very disability, that the glory of Gawd and the wonders of his Son Jesus, and the Power of the Holy Ghost might be made manifest throughout the land; and that henceforth all women who seek you impose their whoredom on men should have this harlot held before them as a warning lest the same Divine anger might fall also on them. And in Jesus's holy name, Boob Allah did bless the people and call upon them to witness to the magnitude of the great love of Gawd which had been made manifest in such a wondrous manner. Amen.
Bob Allen = an incompassionate, woman-hating shite.
I was having fun but had to trim because I was counting as spam.
I would have like tohave included that in my view in any democratic country, an attack upon any propoerly elected representative is an attack upon the county's democracy. It is one of the very few areas where my intinctive abhoeernce of the death penalty weakens a little, probably because such an attack is not just on the country or it's system of government, but ultimately on the citizen - me, you!
Wow. Just... Wow
I really, really hope that this is a troll. Then again, people are sincerely this insensitive, mean, and misogynist.
So, to you, a feminist is a woman doing anything other than "taking care of her husband's house and the private sphere of house, home, and family". How very Victorian of you. Unfortunately, Victoria's been dead for over 100 years now (although her legacy is evidently proving hard to shake off).
Congresscunt Giffords will probably survive being shot in the head, according to medical reports currently available. She will likely suffer some life long brain damage from the injury to her brain, but when the victim is a leftist feminist female, how can you tell?...If she lives, the Governor of Arizona will not be able to appoint a man to replace her in Congress. Another tragedy.
I think the real tragedy here is that you would use such ugly speech to describe the victim of a serious injury simply because the victim happened to be a woman who ran for Congress and won a seat rather than a woman who fit your ideal.
On a less belligerent note, I myself have been wondering what's going to become of her career after she recovers. I don't know how badly her brain was damaged, so I don't know if she'll be able to carry on. It's just a tragedy in general to see anyone's career get cut short like that.
Just had to add another thing real quick.
I hate how ignant right wingers use the term libertarian to describe themselves. I align myself as apolitical but if I had to choose I would be libertarian because the philosophy advocates absolute individual freedom (as long as you do not harm others). This guy, and asshole glenn beck who also calls himself "libertarians," do not believe in freedom. Right wingers like this asshole advocate unequal rights, prohibition of "vices" (drugs, pr0n, prostitution, ect.) and bringing religious principles into government (in opposition to the bill o rights). That, in my understanding of the term, is the exact opposite of the meaning of libertarian.
In other words, if you are a conservative christian asshole who thinks that the mainstream republican party is too "liberal" or "socialist" or whatever don't call yourself a makes you look fucking dumb.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase can we have a Sexists Say The Darndest Things section now?"
Establishment of a 'SSTDT' seconded.
1/31/2011 10:43:31 AM]
THIRDED! Please?! Thankies!
How much you want to bet that Bob has never gotten laid?
Unless of course he paid for it.
And even then, I'm not so sure. Even a down on her luck hooker would probably have too much self respect to give Bob a tumble.
And only one other person has noticed a major flaw in this asshat's pure ignorant cuntery.the Governor of Arizona that will not be able to appoint a replacement (many states allow for that if a rep can't perform thier job) is of the female persuasion (though as big a cunt as this guy in many ways.)
What can you do. some people have an open relationship with reality.
I read this and was appalled.
Then I read the first comment: "Good, a 9 year old future CUNT is dead."
And I'm just stunned. This was a NINE YEAR OLD CHILD.
Thou heartless, cruel, miserable creature! To the deepest depths of the oceans with you, where thou belongs!
A woman's place is wherever she bloody well wants, as is a man's. It is not Bob's right to tell anyone else, male or female, what to do. If a woman wants to work, or to be a housewife, that is her right. If a man wants to be breadwinner, or househusband, that is his right. Insisting that anyone must conform to gender roles that haven't been valid since the 50's is demeaning to both men and women alike.
Paraphrased Bob: Women should hide away so I don't have to face the ugly truth that my gender has a disproportionate amount of entitled, violent douchebags. Instead, I shall tacitly endorse the deviant actions of violent males by implying it's all women's fault, because shoving the blame onto someone else is easier than acknowledging something is fucked up and doing something about it. I, Bob, much prefer to whine on blogger about how oppressed I am because being born a white male is no longer a licence to do what I please at the expense of everyone else. Bawww, bawww .
"So stupid i had to launch my chibi death army to kill the stupid"
Now why does that .GIF remind me of the chibi-Eneuses in the anime series "Macademi Wasshoi"?!
But I can aid you with my catgirl army:
(from "UFO Princess Valkyrie")
Nya! =^_^= :3
If she is a good governor, she should be WHENEVER SHE WISHES TO. For that token, her husband could be in the space, not here in Earth. Your point?
Good, a 9 year old future CUNT is dead
Yet even more proof that this world needs a genocide of assholes like this.
He seriously said that about a NINE YEAR OLD GIRL?! It's bad enough that he said absolutely disgusting shit in his original post, but with that I think it's safe to say he's crossed the Moral Event Horizon and is now definitely a Complete Monster, a sadistic sociopath with no empathy, but plenty of antipathy towards everyone not like him. I don't say this lightly, but this guy seriously needs to die in a fire for the good of humanity.
@anyone who says stuff like: "I don't say this lightly, but this guy seriously needs to die in a fire for the good of humanity."
All I can say is "shiny mirror, irony meter, etc..."
There are always going to be people who spout disgusting, hateful crap like this, but descending to their level of thought and feeling does not put you on a moral high ground.
It apppears as if Bob Allen has lots of experience when it comes to life long brain damage, although apparently and fortunately, it appears that Gabrielle Gifford made a full recovery. I also suspect and hope that there is no wife waiting at whatever slimy hole it has taken as its den...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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