Believe It! #fundie

[Ever the bigot, Believe It! comments on Muslims.]
I will now give my solutions to this.

No more Muslims immigrants in this country for an indefinite amount of time.
No more mosques built in this country.
Tear down all mosques that do not match city codes.
Declare Islam a cult, not a religion to be respected under the first amendment.
Bring back racial profiling in suspecting Muslims.
Investigate all foreign born Arabic people in this country and intern all those who have ties to Islam until they are found to have no ties to any terrorist organization.
If the ACLU protests, disband the ACLU and throw them in Guantanamo prison with their terrorist friends.
Investigate CAIR as a criminal organization and throw them in the same place when terrorist ties are found.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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