"the Bible teaches that the unsaved will be sodomized on judgement day, before they are cast into the lake of fire. In ancient times, it was customary for victorious generals to sodomize prisoners of war in order to break their will. This is even referred to in the Old Testament. In Daniel 12:2, we read: ""And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." The word translated as "shame" here specifically means homosexual shame in the Hebrew and is the same word used to describe an act of sodomy."
Ah, so you're claiming to be an Emeritus Professor of Theology, eh? As fellow FSTDTer solomongrundy says here:
'Actually the Hebrew word translated as 'rib' more accurately means 'support'. It could be used of a tree trunk or a door jamb for example.'
How many other mistranslations have their been, from the early manuscripts, right up to the NIV etc? I wonder what 'Shame' would be translated into, if, say a group representing the Plain English Campaign here in the UK were to do a Plain English version of the Bible, 'Crystal Mark' award, and all...?
I emphasise 'Plain English'. Now, does the Bible mention directly, either verbatim, or in any permutation of words: 'In ancient times, it was customary for victorious generals to sodomize prisoners of war in order to break their will.'? As any Emeritus Professor of Theology will tell you: if it's not mentioned in the Bible, it didn't happen.
As an Emeritus Professor of Theology, I'm suuuuure you've studied for decades all the myriad Bible-related (and unrelated; as in omitted from, say, the KJV) documents in not only Hebrew, but Greek and Aramaic, as a true Emeritus Professor of Theology would, thus having an in-depth knowledge of the subject. After all, as our own Giveitaday pointed out in the past:
you also have an intimate knowledge of Metallurgy, seeing as you know so much about the purity of gold. Also your claim to have been a 'crackwhore', in the same thread:
"I was a fucking crackwhore living on the street before I met Apostle Davis and turned my life over to Christ"
"I was living on the street and snorting crack"
Whereas Giveitaday replied thus (emphasis added):
'I was living on the street and snorting crack'
"If that where the case and you really were a crack addict then you should know that you don't "snort" crack, you have to smoke it, otherwise you are wasting a fuckload of money because cocaine in a base form (As opposed to the hydochloride salt form of powder cocaine) cannot be absorbed through the mucous mebrane of the nose or through the process of digestion."
Despite his proof to the contrary, but that's by the by...! (what isn't is the fact that you're going to Hell, via the above blatant breaking of the 9th Commandment, despite being 'Saved' as you claim to be. Better pack your asbestos pyjamas, dearie...! >:D ).
...or is this 'Apostle Davis', also your pastor (an) Emeritus Professor(s) of Theology, who has studied for decades at Oxford or Cambridge universities, and he's told you this, which, of course, you completely accept on spec.; because obviously, why should he lie to you...?!
LIke I say...(emphasis added):
'Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.'
-Seneca the Younger
Thus we Atheists should expect to accept, nay, believe what you tell us too; you're clearly the world's leading authority on the subject of the Bible, whose word can never be disputed or questioned in any way, shape or form, because you certainly know what you're talking about. Of course we Atheists must trust you, dearie. It's as if you've never deceived us or lied to we Atheists here in all the time you've been in FSTDT; because as an Emeritus Professor of Theology, who knows so much about Christianity, more than anyone else on the planet, past, present & future, you know only too well about that little bit of Biblical doctrine called the 9th Commandment, and it's implications for those who dare to break it.
Don't you eh, dearie? '[/Sarcasm] not required.
One other thing: according to Leviticus, wasn't sodomy supposed to be an abomination to the ancient Jews as a whole, never mind the generals? They certainly did their fair share of rape and baby-murdering in their time - but those aren't Sodomy, so that makes such acts all right, don't they?! I don't see any mention of the ancient Chinese, or Spartans in the Bible; not taking into account the YECers & their 6,000-year old Earth, as above: if it's not specifically mentioned in the Bible, it didn't happen. The records kept by the sticklers for such, the ancient Chinese certainly make no mention of a cataclysmic worldwide 'flood' (which, by definition, would've destroyed the ancient Chinese pre-OT civilisation & their records. Yet, they stayed curiously existent & intact during the time said 'worldwide flood' supposedly happened...!)
Oh, but of course, along with being an Emeritus Professor of Theology, you're also an Emeritus Professor of History too.
...or am I thinking too much, as I get another beer? [/Fridge Logic]
"I am not tying to be mean and i am sorry if may attitude has turned anyone itnoff, please forgive me"
How many times have you said that since that particular thread, and how many times have you gone back to your old judgemental fundie ways? And then you wonder why you've earned the real appelation 'Troll/Poe/Nuts4Life'? Like I say, you've proven time & again that you're not even remotely Christian; less so than the likes of Richard Dawkins, in fact. And as proven - by your behaviour here, time & again - all your 'opinions' posted here serve to do is cause nothing but drama. Your track record here proves it.
If you want to be truly forgiven, you have one of only two choices (check one):
[ ] Recant of your vile right-wing Fundamentalist ways & way of thinking, and - if you want to justify your continued place here in FSTDT - instead direct your judgemental attitude towards other right-wing Fundamentalist Christians, like the other Christian commenters here, and be a non-fundie.
[ ] Leave FSTDT for good. Your continued existence is not conducive to proper debate between commenters and fundies - who deign to show their faces here - who either refuse to debate properly (evading direct questions/abandoning arguments, or even claimig you 'don't understand' when you clearly do; again, evading the issue, so as to avoid questions that would make you doubt your 'beliefs', and via evasion/avoidance thus conceding the point), or as you have proven to have done so, just purposely troll up the place, and create drama.
Choose wisely. If you truly want to be forgiven, that is. Otherwise...:
Pathological liars like you - via their unjustifiable act(s) of deception - forfeit the right to even think their so-called 'opinions' should be listened to by anyone, in perpetuity.
Or even have the right to an 'opinion'. Period; if as you've said previously 'I don't understand you', then you admit to not having any intelligence, therefore you're in no position to be able to formulate a thought to thus have an 'opinion' in the first place. Your right to be even listened to - least of all any shred of respect and even consideration as a human being (after all, would a normal, decent, sane, Christian person speak, act, or think the way you have in the past?!) - will have been forfeited in perpetuity. Consider this: In other conventional forums, for the kind of trollish behaviour you've exhibited here, you'd have been banned before now.
"wow, I think I'vebeen on this board too long."
@#1068535 (emphasis added)
'wow, I think I'vebeen on this board too long'
"There's a fairly easy fix for that, you know."
Your call.