Katy Vazquez #fundie rawstory.com

A Florida mother said she found a sign from God in her child’s dirty diaper.

Katy Vazquez, of Winter Park, shared a photograph of her discovery on her Facebook page, and the post has been shared nearly 3,000 times, reported the Friendly Atheist blog.

“Sometimes in our busy, crazy, hectic lives, we forget how wonderful our God is,” Vazquez said. “Today I feel as though he sent me a sign. Saying everything will be okay. I’m right here by your side.”

“This sign came in the oddest form. My babies poop,” she continued. “I went to change his diaper, and he pooped a cross. It might not be the prettiest sign, but he put it where he knew I’d see it. In my babies diaper. Lol. Hard to miss what’s right there in front of you.”

Another Facebook user, Derlim Loreen Sandres Bravo, reacted to the post by saying, “Holy shit!!!” — and her comment attracted about three times as many “likes” as the original post.

“If you can, or want to, feel free to share the message. That God is with us,” Vazquez said. “And he gives us signs to let us know that things will be OK. It’s not always the prettiest sign, but he puts it where he knows we’ll see it. We’re good most of the time, but God is good all the time.”



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