On April 19th, 1993 federal troops stormed the Branch Davidian building with 50 cal. machine guns and incinerary devices, burning 81 human beings (including 19 children) alive inside, and shooting others to death. It occurred on April 19th (the beginning of the witches' High Holy Days). Coincidence? Only a few escaped, just to be wrongfully convicted by a Masonic judge. Just like the ruthless tyrannies against the innocent folks at Ruby Ridge in Idaho and The Roloff Homes in Corpus Christi, Texas; tyranny has gotten out of hand in the federal government. Big government has always led to big trouble!!!
If the Georgia Guidestones evidence the global elite's plans to kill off 90% of the population by 2050, do you think they'll hesitate killing a few thousand, or even a few million? No, not at all. They've murdered over 100,000,000 people over the past century. Truth is stranger than fiction. We are living in the End Times of civilization no doubt. The Beast System of the coming Antichrist is being built.
Both Communism and Nazism are vehicles created by the Banksters to achieve World Government. Communism's method was to conquer by stealth, incrementally. This is what is happening in the world today. Nazism's method was to conquer by force and domination, through war. This method failed in World War 2, although Hitler and his American corporate financier's tried. Most students never learn that it was Wall Street in America that financed Hitler's war machine and fueled the holocaust. IBM manufactured the stamping equipment and IG Farben (a conglomerate of about 200 companies, including many U.S. companies) manufactured the Zyklon-B gas to kill the victims of the holocaust.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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