JRG39402 #fundie #homophobia baptistboard.com
I knew that topic would get some people's attention. But listen to where I am coming from. Since all people are born of a sinful nature, we are all inclined to sin. That sin could be lying, stealing, lust, homosexuallity, ect. If a homosexual tells you "I was born this way", why argue with them? It doesn't go against the Bible to agree with them on that point. Just because you are inclined or tempted to sin doesn't make it right. Jesus was tempted, but didn't sin. God won't give us more than we can handle. He wouldn't allow people to deal with homosexuallity if they couldn't handle it. They can still say, even if they are tempted to live such a lifestyle, no. At least with God's help. So don't argue with someone on homosexuallity where you can't even get to the gospel. Just show them that we all are sinners in need of a savior and that when God saves us, he will give us a new heart with new desires. We can trust God because he cannot lie. That may mean God either
1.) takes away the homosexual temptation completely or
2.) gives you the desire to do what God wants and resist homosexual temptations.
My point is that we are to love our neighbors, even if their particular sin problem is different from ours and rather than debate that intellectually, speak to their conscience. They know what is right even if they don't practice it.