For example, without Scripture you have no way of determining the nature of the universe.
I think by "nature" Christians ususally mean the intelligence and the purpose of it all.
Still wrong and arrogant because they are still saying, "Only we have the answers to everything"
Indeed. Without the Bibble, I would have never learned anything about atoms, electricity, chemical reactions, circulatory systems, anatomy, neurobiology, ecology, game theory, nuclear fission and fusion, geological strata, and evolution. Or, Heaven forbid, I learn elsewhere the even more important lessons of the wrong ways to have sex, what day of the week you're not allowed to work on, the cleansing properties of blood, and how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Thank you Bibble, for giving an answer to all of life's questions!
The Bible is a lousy means to determine the nature of the universe. It talks about firmament, the sun, moon and stars being stuck in some kind of ceiling, about the four corners of the Earth, and other such nonsense. Just walk up a mountain and look around you, and you will see that the Earth is round (at least a round disk), not square.
Going to the moon in 1969 was much more informative in determining the nature of the universe, than your dusty old book.
You mean that particular anthology of fairytales that was put together by a bunch of bronze age dimwits who claimed they knew someone who knew someone who knew some carpenter who claimed that his mother was raped by an invisible deity to beget him? Oh yes, of course, how could I disagree with something so obvious.
If that were so, wouldn’t you expect science’s findings about the universe to match scripture’s?
See, Science: Earth is an oblate sphereoid.
Scripture: Earth is flat.
Science: Light needs a source.
Scripture: Light existed before the Sun, stars, lightning bugs.
Science: There was no global flood.
Scripture: There was a global flood.
Science: Clouds are made of water vapor.
Scripture: Clouds are structures that hold rainwater.
Science: Rain comes from water vapor collecting on dust particles.
Scripture: Rain comes from little doors in the sky when God opens them.
Science: Egypt never kept slaves.
Scripture: Critical to the entire story, the Hebrew slavery in Egypt.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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