The god of atheists is the human being.
Still a little fuzzy on the concept, eh?
They believe there is no power in the universe higher than the human mind.
While I believe the human mind has virtually limitless potential, I think it's rather hubris to say that there is no higher power.
They also believe that their beliefs determine reality.
No, we, or at least I believe reality defines itself.
In other words, they think that if they don't believe in hell, then that means that hell doesn't exist.
I'm gonna squeak my agnostic view in here, in spite of the fact that she seems to have forgotten about us. Or maybe because of this fact. Hell as you define it is a human construct. Whether it truly exists as a fact is unknowable, because the only way to find out is a one way ticket. I lean to a no, because no loving deity would ever be that cruel to levy such a huge punishment on such a finite transgression (Yes, even murder. All it's doing is sending the victim to the great beyond a little sooner, by your definition.) As for the beliefs, why would an all knowing, all powerful entity care WHAT his creations believe? It'd all be moot at the end of the line anyways, wouldn't it? Why would he make it so vague, and punish those who didn't interpret it all correctly?
So the god of theists is as tangible as the statues of zeus, Apollo, Athena, and other tangible objects that break and die.
And therein lies the rub. It's easier to blame/attribute all things, good and bad, to something that will never show itself and claim it, than to own it yourself. It's easier to say that Satan is conspiring against you that to admit that sometimes, shit just happens.
So it's a false claim they make when they say they don't believe in God.
Really now. Sounds like a heaping pile of arrogance to me right there.
They just think they know better than Christ does who the real God is.
Well bring Christ to me, and he and I can have a chat as to the nature of God. I'll be waiting right over there.
There can hardly be anything more arrogant.
Not even telling someone what they believe?
But it's Satan who's leading them to these irrational conclusions.
Back to attributing everything distasteful to an intangible entity. Is it really so difficult to believe that there are just people who disagree with you, and they aren't just pawns of Satan?
They just don't know it.
And yet you do. How? Are you in league with him? Or is this more of this arrogance you deem to be indigenous to atheists? Hmmm?