Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Alex Jones : Illuminist

Jones interviewed Antichrist Farrakhan because he is controlled opposition to truth movement and desire to steer us sheeple in the desired direction they so choose, which is away from Christ and our God given identity in truth.
THat's why if you watch that interview, you will hear him promote "humanism", as if we would not recognize what that fully means, because hey, "sheeple" cant think for themselves, can they?....
Henry Makow wrote an article mentioning Humanism/illuminism back in 2005....... IN it he said...

The term "Illuminati" means "enlightened ones" and refers to Lucifer, the "light bringer." Its essential philosophy is to substitute "reason" i.e. expedience for "right reason" i.e. universal morality. "Do as thou wilt" was the Illuminati motto. The Illuminati will define reality, not God or nature. Illuminism or "humanism" is a secular religion and a transition to Satanism (i.e. "tolerance"). The decline of public decency makes this increasingly apparent. Look for the world to increasingly resemble the game "Grand Theft Auto" or an occult Hollywood feature. - See more at: [link to]

I used to like Jones but I see through his charade now. I'm starting to get clearer glimspes of reality as more and more truth is revealed but as we can see now, Jones has certain things he himself also seeks to keep quite while...

While making us believe he has our best intention at heart....
If you understand what humanism is, you will know, Jones, Like ANtichrist Farrakhan are working with the "light" bringer to lead mankind straight into the abyss of luciferian enlightenment.... THat's why or how islam can grow, because it's a tenant of "illuminism"/humanism which opens the so called third eye, which is really a demonic spirit coming into your soul......



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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